After one posts does it really matter?


Composed Acceptance
8 x 8 Collage, mixed media. 


Signs and messages come what do you do with them when there 

as clear as these?  My dear friend would say,  "Thank you."  

and leave it at that and carry the message.  

Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 24


"I had been taught to seek the 'Great Mystery' in silence, in the deep
forest or on the height of the mountain."

-- Dr. Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa) SANTEE SIOUX

The Elders tell us about the importance of our quiet time. The quiet is the door to the Great
Spirit. It is easier to find this door of wisdom when we are in the forest or sitting on a rock
in the mountain. Go to the mountain alone and listen and learn. Each morning, develop the
habit of quiet time. Find the sacred spot in your mind. Close your eyes and breathe slowly.
Light some sage. If you catch your mind straying, bring it back to the stillness. Many ideas,
knowledge and insight and contacted by being still.  

Intuitive Confidence


DECEMBER 24, 2022

You may feel strong intuitive hunches about your future today, which could help you gain confidence in your inner guidance. We all have moments of psychic insight, but it is only when we listen to the messages and try to follow them that we can learn to distinguish true intuition from fantasy. Our chances of hearing the messages that come through us increase when we regularly take the time to become still and listen. When we get in touch and spend time within, we become familiar with another level of experiencing the world. Today may be a good time to pay attention to the small voice that guides you and see if your day improves.

Most of us carry on an inner monologue of things we want to accomplish, pursue, and analyze, among many other things. We may have an inner critic who evaluates our every move, or perhaps we have songs that run through our heads and provide a soundtrack to our day. But we have the power to direct or filter our thoughts, so it is important to learn the difference between the intuitive voice and the inner critic or other voices. We can do this by learning to quiet our mind’s chatter and focus it on silence and pure being. Then, when we open ourselves up to listen, we can tune in to one voice rather than inviting chorus. When we take time to focus on intuitive guidance today, we can follow our psychic hunches to their most perfect conclusions.

As much as my morning pages are good orderly direction, there is other bits of reading information that I take to heart and carry with me all day and then some.  I picked my rock this morning from my bowl and it suggested to face my fears.  Funny, as last night I created a market Jpg for my classes coming up at Darien Park District.  New place, New ideas, New times and the added obligation to find a person to sit with my MIL on the longer days.  Some worries/fears I carry around with me because honestly I would like it to work out. It doesn't have to be perfect but to allow me the opportunity to still teach and be with in the circle of other women.  I do need this atmosphere for my own soul as much as others that come to take the classes and workshops.  Something connects and comes through me and is shared and I truly know it's not me.  

So back to the whole thing about the stone wall,  and how that image is a metaphor for my life.  The stone wall is a intuitive guidance so to say...does that make sense.  Well if it doesn't that's Ok. I just need my heart and soul to connect in a way that continually allows for the peace to be present.  As part of a human in this wonderful world we have the ability to connect to a spirit with in all of us and having imagery, words and warm thoughts and feelings that unfold into joy, despite the struggles...this is about living life on life's terms.  


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