Life / Death aspect of West Direction


Oldfield Oaks, 
this piece is long gone, sold many years ago but with 
our technology I have the image in a file to share now. 

The western direction represents the adult stage of life. Death is also represented in this direction. Death comes in many forms ā€“ the end of our physical journey and crossing back into the spirit world; the setting sun and end of the day; or recognition that as old thoughts and feelings die, new ones emerge.

The heart is also represented in the west. The heart helps us to evaluate, appreciate and enjoy our lives. By nurturing our hearts, we create balance in our lives.

The sun setting in the west signifies the death of a day. And so we die many deaths in a lifetime. We die many deaths in a single day. So there is constant change within us. We dance around that western doorway many times in a day to honors the death spirit.  

The acceptance of the constant for me lately has been exhausting.  I personally don't want to be the person to be the dying now. Opening to the change because what has been doesn't work any more, time to let go let attitudes dye a good death so new supporting attitudes may grow in the grounding of this Mother Earth. I do want to be in this heart center, I see how a cave can be welcoming for the change. 

Emotion, Adulthood, Life/Death, Black, Water, Bear, Turtle and Heart. 

I personally have been through a challenging year and making it through despite it all is something have done before and will do again. This year though there as been more to accept and not very well at that. I'm working on more good days of acceptance then not.  Creating balance has been a constant direction in my life.  It's probably in my dna that I'm always swing out of balance.  

I think the Fall season has been my favorite because of the time I spend outside and in the woods.  I've always have spent time alone and reflective and this year hasn't allow that. But I do have some changing on my part to do.  Old thoughts die, new ones emerge.  I do like that process and I'm ready for some new ones.  

Nature is my heart and always has been so to the woods I go today. I have a plan and will have to be flexible as things in my house need to stay that way with and elder living with us.  But the nutriment I will receive is like looking forward to a glass of milk and homemade cookies.  It will feed me in my comfort spot so much better. 

I will bring old thoughts of victimhood and leave them to decay and recycle in to the earth and seek guidance on the new thoughts I can use to continue flower and grow.  The prayer to be awakened to the moment of beauty will be brought will me in my heart. 


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