
Showing posts from November, 2014

Morning Collage Sketch

Maintaining peace....

Woods Medicine

Detour into a new world.....where does inspiration comes from?

seeps in and what leaks out


Award and Signature Membership in the NCS

To the market today....

Hinsdale Embroiderers Guild today....Demo and Mini Workshop

Witnessing and the need to know more...

To Nature,

Side step to other interests....

Information on Collage Classes for 2015-Laura Lein-Svencner

Two Question asked of me yesterday

After four hours in the studio..

Knowing my limits...

It's the Husband's Birthday today....

Dec/Jan Issue Professional Artist-Laura Lein-Svencner

Taking it even further....

Time in the studio yesterday finishing up weekend workshop pieces

Spillage of stuff...seeking calm

A women and artist that I enjoy

Just photo's....not time to chat about them...