The Shadow side


Allow me to Guide you through
8 x 8 Collage on Watercolor paper

My understanding over the years of Indigenous culture is to embrace all sides of ourselves. Some sides I know I'm not to proud of but that's ok to look at them and see what is happening with myself and the character traits I walk with. What about you,  here I continue a personal journey around the Medicine Wheel with an Inner Compass look.  

The shadow side or negative of the wolf spirit animal

Remember, it’s important to embrace both the positive and negative aspects of the wolf spirit animal, as they can both provide valuable lessons and insights. By embracing the wisdom and strength of the wolf, we can learn to navigate the challenges and opportunities of life with confidence and purpose.

Negative symbolism of the wolf spirit animal:

  • Isolation
  • Greed and selfishness
  • Dishonesty or deception
  • Feeling threatened
  • Lack of trust in someone or in yourself
  • Dominance
  • Control

For what reason we might not have allowed all feelings to be present in our lives. Picking only the ones we want and denying the rest. To become whole and truly understand our humanness we will need to be aware of all of us and where these feelings and emotions come from.  Inner compass works is not always easy, but well worth going throw. And we need to remember that we are in constant change and movement like planet earth. We may not make many changes right way with ourselves that we would like but if we work with the self-actualization there will be change in a wonderful flow.


The dark side of the wolf totem: Sensitivity about feelings of threat

The wolf totem may come to you because there is a threat or feelings of something threatening you. An instinct in the moments of feeling threating is to protect yourself which can lead to a need to control your environment and what comes into your circle. So quickly things can get skewed if you are not aware, bringing in the wisdom of the bison and the larger perspective of the Eagle and the tiny perspective of the mouse we now have the Wolf spirit to continue to guide us.

You may also have feelings of vulnerability with any feelings of being threatened and we are invited to look at who or what in your life is having such an influence.

Boundaries can be an issue; you might have exposed yourself too much to someone or it’s time to pull back. There might be feelings of threat at work, facing stiff competition which can feel like dealing with a pack of wolves.

Looking at our instincts, the wolf spirit animal of the South could be pointing you to your relationship with how you are living your life and how you trust or mistrust your instincts and intuitive guidance.

Check whether you feel threatened by your own instincts and feelings. Reflect your inner emotional landscape and bring awareness of your own feelings about a matter.


Questions to discuss or journal over

  • Do you need time for yourself to reconnect with your true, deep passions in life?
  • Do you need to find more isolation to “collect” yourself and reconnect to your personal, spiritual quest?
  • Do you need time or help in distinguishing what is true and authentic from lies and deceit in communications with someone? Within yourself?
  • Like the wolf that howls, do you need to let some of the tension out and express yourself loud and clear in your circle of close relationships?

The wolf is a powerful spirit animal, symbolizing the ability to navigate through life with confidence and strength. It represents the wild, untamed spirit that lives within us all. The wolf reminds us to embrace our primal instincts and to trust our inner wisdom.

Summertime allows us in abundance to take the time to allow the sense of clarity and focus wash over you. You begin to understand that the wolf is a powerful teacher, offering insights and guidance on your path. The wolf helps you to see the world with fresh eyes and to embrace the unknown with courage and determination. Looking at all our humanness, light and darkness helps us connect more authentic to our real and raw selves. Our truth, honestly.

Continue to invite the Wolf into your life reflecting on the characters of this creature to invigorate your own spirit. Feel a deep sense of connection to your own spirit and inner wisdom. You are filled with a sense of peace and clarity, knowing that you have the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges may come your way.

So, take a moment to connect with the wolf and tap into its powerful energy. Allow its wisdom to guide and inspire you as you navigate through life with confidence and strength.

Think about your youth and what you would tell your younger self to encourage and guide.

Embrace your wild, untamed spirit and trust your inner wisdom. It encourages you to take risks and embrace change, for it is in these moments that we grow and learn the most. Do not be afraid of the unknown, in these moments we find our true strength.

Swaying as we walk this path we will encounter choices, walk with confidence and purpose, use your intuition and inner wisdom as you come upon the dark and light moments, you always have a choice even when you try new things out and they don’t work. The knowledge of that experience is a great teacher.  


I am of strong East European descent with a connection to the earth and nature. The spiritual work of our inner being is one of the individual persons.  A lifetime of seeking to continue to connect to what is true has led myself on a learning path in great respect for all. There is no claim of being a decent from a Native American tribe. The natural ways of the Medicine Wheel are gentle and all-encompassing for growth of our spiritual self.  I share this because I'm only sharing gifts pass through me from working through my own life's experience and listening and learning from all those that gather in the circle. A student of life is a great grounded place to be as our teacher are everywhere.  Any trail that leads you to look within is always going to lead you through a journey of self-discovery on so many levels.  No one says it going to be easy or without pain, but the reality is we become who we are meant to be as we heal our own wounds for service of others in our life.   Keep showing up, you are worth it! 



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