Preparing for a workshop

Forever Wild, Left the nest early after being created, so all I have is this image. I'm using this image for the image transfer marketing for the workshop coming up Oct 14th and Oct 15th. Focus on image transfer and collage.  

My studio is a mess...this is nothing new, drop fest is more like it. What I work on what class I've been in comes up to the studio and is dropped and then on to the next things.  Today though I will be working on the sense of balance with that.  I have scheduled into the day.  I use to get my panties all bunched up about it but experience is the sorting and organizing is part of the process in preparing for the next workshop, event or class.  That word again Process, maybe it should be my work for next year?  hmmm I will think about that one.  

Anyways back to preparing and stuff

Image transfer done with tissue paper and acrylic's on a to watch out for the acrylic though they could dry on you rubber to be quick about clean up. 

Clear packing for art journaling and works great for children to learn about it.  Like making your own stickers. 

Wet on wet image transfer...requires some hair drying time then wet again to take the paper back off of the image. 

The technique I use mostly with my collage art is the tack iron method which we will end up working with on our last day.  Lots of papers, working with the surface of them and learning these techniques.  So looking forward to that.  But back to just cleaning up my studio so I can then pack up on Sunday and have the rest of week to create.  This whole process always stimulates creative energy in me to make something while waiting for the day to arrive to teach.  Is that Anxiety?   or just good excitement? I want to choose the latter of those questions. 



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