March 1st New sections on Vision Board

 So time to focus on a new section of my vision board, practices I've put in motion the last few years. This is from the upper right corner. What does Raise your Vibration really mean

“Einstein taught us that everything is energy,” So because everything is made up of energy, every person, place, and thing vibrates at a different frequency. High vibrational energy is energy that is good and strong.  Energy is pure, and it can come from whatever you want to call it—source energy, universe energy, God energy. On the flip side, a low vibration energy is dark and dense and feels heavy.  It’s often associated with negative emotions such as suffering, fear, and anger.

"Raise your vibration,” reflects that you have a self-awareness of your thoughts and emotions. You’re able to recognize when you’re in a low vibration emotion (like jealousy or grief) and do something to shift yourself into a high-vibration emotional state (such as joy, gratitude, or peacefulness).

  1. Smudging your space, area, open all ups doors, cabinet window, So that the stagnant energy can leave the space. 
  2. Get Real with yourself, being radically honest about who you are and what you want is one way you can elevate your vibrational energy and move forward in life. A closer look wherever you can identify any negative emotion since those areas are the ones that require some deeper self-honesty.
  3. Find Clarity in order to manifest something into your life you have to first have a clear vision of what it actually is and looks like. "Clarity paves the way for you to open your mind and heart and begin to imagine the reality of having what you say you want. Once you have that clarity, lean into the feeling of already having it in order to uncover any subconscious blocks that might be holding you back from actually gaining it. 
  4. Practice a Morning Ritual, aligning your energy first thing in the morning sets a tone for your entire day. Implement a morning ritual, yoga, tarot cards, morning journaling, morning doodle. Get into the energy of your intention for the day. I personal pick a rock with an affirmation and a Inner compass card along with Morning pages and some meditation readings. A walk will flow afterwards too on most days. If time is right I'm up and out with the sun rising. 
  5. Journal your vision, writing about what you want to call into your life, describe it with great detail. allow how it might feel on to the pages. This helps align and raise your vibrations. 
  6. Let your creative juices flow, if you love to paint, draw, sing or dance, do some even just a little bit at first. We don't' take the time to just be creative like when we were kids. Encourage yourself to let go of fear and expectation and connect with doing something creative and make it a habit. 
  7. Treat yourself with love, messages and thoughts that we give ourselves directly impact how we feel.  Try this, treat yourself like someone you love, ditch the negative self-talk and nurture yourself with kindness and compassion, fake it at first if you resist. "Fake it till you Make it!"
  8. Cut the Toxins that enter in your body, this will help lift your vibrational energy. The in your body the harder you have work and work to cleanse it. Eat whole and healthy. 
  9. Connect to a Higher Power, is a powerful way to boost your vibration. A lot of anxiety comes from feeling like you have to do everything yourself." One of the most important parts about connecting to a Higher Power is feeling like you're protected and not alone. It helps you get to a different realm of thinking and to find your grounding. 
  10. Recognize when emotions aren't yours, pick an energy is someone else,  confuses our feelings with people around us. Taking a larger perspective and introspective look at things can help us see we can be in control of our energy. We have the power to say, "No that's not me or mine." 
  11. Pause throughout the day, rest.  Lists a mile long, full schedule, it's way to easy to go on autopilot. Take a few moments to pause and just breath thought out the day to quickly reset your vibration. You can take a walk around the block or do a mini meditation, every breath and quiet moment will helps shift the way you feel. 
  12. Practice self care, daily it brings balance to our lives. Anything that brings you joy will do wonders for raising your vibe. 
I would say I practice this on a daily level, bringing more awareness to the importance self care and loving myself will be looked at as Spring and how this makes its appearance.


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