Day 3 at Naperville Art League

 Bette working on a small exercise to start us off while the papers were drying..

 On the floor the collage papers dry on the plastic table cloths.

 Busy room shots...
 Chris getting ready to start laying out her papers.

 Judy's collage in process.
Caught Marian's piece propped up  as she was taking a big look at it before committing to the tack iron. 
 Bette's abstract landscape.
 Janet's piece in process.
 Pam shared her sketch with us and how she expanded on this for her abstract collage piece.

 Ashwini working on her idea with the canvas board.

 Kaye bring in some stencil's
 Tom back here jamming away with his head phone's on creating away.

Roberta laying out here piece checking the reference in photo she brought. 

 John bring the papers to his board and working very interestingly.

 Tom's piece.
 Small exercise piece using my collage scraps and trying out the different techniques.

 Bette's finished piece.
 Pam's finished piece.
 Janet's still in process but getting closer.

Carol's piece...I think almost done too. 
 Kaye's piece in process.
 Chris's piece in process can't way to see how this all works out...Chris is a master with bring it all together in the end.

Ashwini, Changed things around and was more happy with this one...great Job. 

A full three day's of collage sketching, paper making and assembling of the collage papers. Everyone was very successful with the process and completing a few pieces. 


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