Golden Eagle, East Inner Compass


Eagle Medicine, East Inner Compass

When we take the time to live a balanced life, pursue our goals and seek to live to our full potential, we learn the fullness of who we are and have more to share with others. Today by being fully yourself, you are attractive and appealing by sharing your enthusiasm for life with others.

To live in the present moment is an ongoing practice and it sways in our life left to right.

I received this message and how true it is…the practice of living is a process that keeps circling around for the inner growth we are to continue to keep learning. 

Inner peace can only be found inside, and you have cultivated it, by deciding what is a priority in your life. Taking a step back and outwardly looking in your perspective changes upon the see the larger wholeness of life.

The Eagle as a medicine guide from the East Direction their feathers are life’s wealth and wisdom that we learn and work with. Eagle Feather are most sacred healing tool. They have been used by wise men and shamans as healing tools to cleanse the auras of the patients coming to them for healing.


The Eagle medicine is of the Great Spirit, connecting the heavens to the earth, sharing the ability to live in the realm of spirit and balance with the realm of earth. Picture an Eagle soring overhead, so high it’s very hard to see him as he glides in circles observing the expansiveness with all patterns of life.

Within the belief and ceremonies of some Native American Tribes, Eagle represents a state of grace, achieved through hard work, understanding and completion of tests of initiation which results in the taking of one’s personal power. It is only through the trial of experiencing the lows in life as well as the highs, and through the trail of trusting one’s connection to the Great Spirit, that the right to use the essence of Eagle Medicine is earned.  A time of great trust as we walk around the Medicine Wheel.  I’m sensing a pattern for us that walk the medicine wheel and an inner compass.  “Trust and sometimes it’s about the Radical Trust.”

Eagle is asking that we take heart and gather our courage for the in this direction we are being guided to soar above the mundane levels of our life. The powers of recognizing this opportunity may come in a form of a spiritual test.

Another pattern being astute to our places within our soul, personality, emotions, and psyche that need some refinement and adjustment.  The inner work is about how we need to change inside and be able to walk the talk of our lives.  We are being asked in the East direction with the help of the Eagle medicine to expand our sense of self beyond the horizon of what is presently visible.  The hard work spoken of earlier is about change of perspective in your life which can be helped by the trust of unknown.  The wings of our soul will be supported by the ever-present breezes which is the breath of the Great Spirit. What has been also stated prior is the importance of becoming still allowing this grace and space in your life. 

As new birth, beginning again in the east direction we trust the sun to rise and that is the trust we will need to pull on throughout this journey of our lives.

To continue to grow we must feed our body and feed our soul. The dance with Mother Earth and Father Sky that leads to a flight of conquering of fear and the willingness to join in the adventure that we co-create with Divine. What is given as nourishment is far larger than we will ever know. The Eagle is also trusting in the same as we here on earth is. The connection of, “We are one, All of One, We are one,” is so true.

The majestic Eagle is soaring, and you are asked to notice the reconnection of the element of air.  The Element of Air in the East direction is of a mental plane and is offering us to work with a higher mind.  The wisdom comes from strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of the Great Spirit.

Here is a question to journal about, have you been walking in the shadows of former realities? 

Eagle brings illumination and to look higher all the way to Father Sun with your heart. To love the shadow as well as the light. The acceptance of both in our life and seeing the beauty of both we learn to take flight as the Eagle. 

The Eagle medicine is a gift we can give ourselves to inspire insight manifest wellbeing and offer us wisdom.  The winds of change are ahead, as always will be, change is inevitable to have the perspective of rebirth and renewal present as part of your understanding you can tap into your inner strength and fortitude.

Stand up tall, wrap courage around your waist and stay true to yourself.  As the journey around the medicine wheel offers you and stay in touch with your inner compass-soul.

To give yourself time to contemplate and process the self-discovery. You may need a retreat to get your mind and spirit together as a dramatic transformation might be on your doorstep.

The growth of an individual might have one stretching limits and new heights of seeing and understanding.

To look upon it as the Eagle we stretch our wings and bring focus with laser sharpness to get to the other side of a situation that might arise.

What situations are upon your doorstep that you need to take flight with to see a bigger perspective to make a wise transformation?

The Eagle is the one that can fly the closes to the sun. The metaphor, “we must be willing to get a little scorched if we are to achieve greatness”. It is shared “look forward.” Don’t give up on your quest but embark on it with uprightness in your soul. To accomplish this, you have to be ready to stop habits or ideas to embrace something new and wonderful.

Growth in our lives is about the changes we can make with our own patterns of seeing and being.

What patterns are present in our life that you see honestly within yourself that are stopping you from growing?

Make a quick list sit with it and see that we are all one and that change is upon everyone, and we can do this for the betterment of inner peace. Be willing to embrace new birth, and renewal within your self as we can always be in self-discovery.


I am of strong East European descent with a connection to the earth and nature. The spiritual work of our inner being is one of the individual persons.  A lifetime of seeking to continue to connect to what is true has led myself on a learning path in great respect for all. There is no claim of being a decent from a Native American tribe. The natural ways of the Medicine Wheel are gentle and all-encompassing for growth of our spiritual self.  I share this because I'm only sharing gifts pass through me from working through my own life's experience and listening and learning from all those that gather in the circle. A student of life is a great grounded place to be as our teacher are everywhere.  Any trail that leads you to look within is always going to lead you through a journey of self-discovery on so many levels.  No one says it going to be easy or without pain, but the reality is we become who we are meant to be as we heal our own wounds for service of others in our life.   Keep showing up, you are worth it! 


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