2nd Vision Board Workshop
Grateful for all the woman that came yesterday to the Hinsdale Public Library. We all took the day and gave ourselves a gift of self. We center in the circle and remember happy moments of our childhood, to reconnect with ourselves and our past so that going forward we could bring those memories to make new ones. It's always so interesting how we have similar memories of our childhood and how family is such a big part. The imagery and calmness of the whole day allows us to make choices with placement and bring joy into our sense of self. The feelings of the year ahead are open to make it whatever we wanted and to stay in that vision. Retreating for outside influences we were allowed to be in a special moment.
You can make a vision board anytime of year, though I find it a ritually now of over ten years to do it on January 1st of the new year. By October or November I'm ready and aware of the word for the next year and a spirit animal...it amazes me how we reach for these little spirits to guide us personally.
Well I hope that in some way you are working on good feeling for you year ahead, Happy New Year and Happy Chinese New Year...Year of the snake.
Stay tuned for next year's National Vison Board Day January 10th, 2026
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