Morning Pages - Meditation


A form of Meditation that I latched on to when I was in high school.  Diaries or journals back than. I was using them. As time went by and creativity kept nudging in I started making my own journals, Coptic Stitch is my favorite one to make.  So many I've sewn the signature together and collaged the covers, each excited to write in. 

This morning I read some words of wisdom from life coach or creative and spiritual mentor. She's been words of wisdom all long my creative path and when I stay away from her words...I stray.  Does that make sense, well to me it does and I quickly pick a book of hers back up.  Over the years I've facilitated Artists Way groups and maybe about 4 people will dedicate themselves to the MP's, (Morning Pages)  Other's come up with major excuses.  Not judging just stating a fact.  I've had a few that don't like her words at all too.  This is when you find what works for your wellbeing and you work it for yourselves and let all the nay-sayers walk their own path.  And for those that do the morning pages there is a beauty that emerges a wholeness for sure in their being.  I'm going to share some of her words with you that resonate with me. 

About Meditation, (from the words of Julia Cameron, in the Artist Way book) 
There are many forms of meditation, primarily as a stress-management technique. Spiritual seekers choose to view the process as a gateway to God. Artists and creativity mavens approve of it's as a conduit for higher creative insights. Primarily an experience of wholeness, rightness and power. 

We meditate to discover our own identity, our right place in the scheme of the universe. Through Meditation we acquire and eventually acknowledge our connection to an inner power of source that has the ability to transform our outer world. In other words meditation gives us not only the light of insight but also the power of expansive change. 

You and I might ask why change? why transform ourselves?  Change is always happening and unless we accept this we end up getting left behind or suck in our muck.  The change and transformation isn't like moving across the world but it could happen.  The change is allowing ourselves to keep moving/growing spiritually.  We reach a point where we have grown into the size person we are to be...we can stop buying shoes because our feet have stopped growing kind of growth.  What is happening is our personal world will change, transform in ways that may not like but when we do the growth we emerge with that beauty of wholeness, inner and outer balance and a sense of rightness too.  This has to be maintained mind we know nothing stays the same. Seasons, cycles and year are upon us and we are all part of what happens.  (my thought on this all this morning.) 

It is impossible to write morning pages for any extended period of time with out coming into contact with an unexpected inner power. The pages are a pathway to a strong and clear sense of self. They are the trail that we follow into our own interior, where we meet both our own creativity and our creator.  

Love this...

It is very difficult to complain about a situation morning after morning, month after month, without being moved to constructive action. The pages lead us out of despair and into undreamed-of solutions. 

I'm going to live my thoughts and Julia words be now and savor them on a morning walk around my neighborhood and enjoy the present moment.  

Have you ever worked the Artist's way? 




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