September's Section

A few days behind...and that's OK,  it unfolds as it should.  This is the September/October section of my Creative Vision board.  This personal awareness in these words above is like a recognition of my inner spirit. These are the things that fill me up, taking moments to read and swallow the energy it makes present is rejuvenating. 

I found the statement in one of the magazines, could have been Belle Grace Magazine.  Very pricey too but I spurge the last week of December every year and buy up my magazines for my Creative vision board and to use throughout the year on other creative projects.  

As I shared yesterday about the Creative Sage....and the Baba identity I seem to be playing with in my heart these days is kind of exciting.  Leaning on the wise woman/witch and crone persona.  Fantasy of sorts I guess some would say.  I do know that my type 4 enneagram does have me concerned about my identity now and than.   

It's not something I want to get rid of as it feeds me exciting life ways, ways of the heart.  This past year has had me tangle up in some strong head and heart games and for now there seems to be more opening of acceptance.  A smooth patch to ponder and wonder.  

  • Might it be a way to re-invent yourself?  
  • Possible come about again from a different angle? 
  • Tap into a path you've not walked before? 
  • Continue to take a few risk to grow?  
I would have to say all the above?   Some call it right of passages, in some culture it's looked upon as this, moving from one stage of life into another...Our acceptance of life changes some sad and others with wonderous blessing.  

These thoughts these ways of seeking and seeing,  have been in me for so long and I've dabble on them and at this point they've bubbled up again, and I'm welcoming them with open arms.  

A reminder for self...your word has been Nurture all Year...the challenges and riches have allow them as I start to reflect on this year so far. 

Morning musing  



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