Morning Session, Art Journaling with Video

 I've been longing to finish a book so I could start another book. But this other book I want to start I've started and finished 12 times.  Sound crazy, why would some one read the same book that many times? Well, when it's the First Artist Way Book, you do.   

Most of my creative life, well that's not true, I should say all of my creative life I've had Julia Cameron on my side or next to my morning pages. Through the years and there have been many of them I've read and reread her books...All but one that is and I won't name it because it really doesn't matter. It was a personal choice not to.  

So I'm excited to begin with myself on this one.  I've done it that way and then I've done in person with groups and online. Something is nudging me to take this walk about on my own.  

This morning I awoke from a good nights slept and I feel like a new woman and this new woman is feeling flow and smoothness.  I set myself up for this you see.  I love long skirt and bare feet in the grass or even in the rich moist earth.  I found a picture in a magazine and well it founds its way in my little Brown Bag Pocket Art Journal I'm work with my Class at the library.  Listening and responding to a nudge is a really cool thing.   A freedom in fact.  

Now about art journaling there are so many wonderful and cool art journalist out there but if this gal looks upon to many of them she will get blocked.  Yes I will and have gone blocked by ogling and envying other's works. So to listen to my inner soul and allow myself to respond. I have to watch out what comes in and just keep some clarity about my own choices and walking my talk on the page.  

So I offer you a peek in my morning session in my pj's and listening to the sounds of the neighborhood before it really wakes up.   My emotional state has been address and I say thank you to my Greater Spirit for this moment of pure creative gesture.  

Here is the Video 

The freedom to express, react and respond to the surface in front of you with your creative heart and art materials is a self care act and a gift. 

Tack Down Tuesday's, Tuesday Tidbits Newsletter April 19th 2022


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