Nothing lasts forever, dramatic some what, but not

 This is my little logo for the top of my Course Craft and now I'll be rethinking the next online teaching platform I will be using. Course Craft will be closing down April 30th 2022 for good.  What a shock when you think it will be around for a long time.  Nothing last for ever and everything is the state of change.  Thankfully it's not the end of the world kind of change but it has awakened many area of my being.  Especially the parts of learning new things.  Too fast things change prior to this in the world wide web arena that wasn't on my agenda to do.   Lets say it wasn't in my plans. I was planning on getting thick and heavy into a new series, now that's changed.  The story behind my change of finding a new online teaching platform is HERE 

This was all announced to us creative makers on Thursday.  I have a group of creative women that I'll be chatting with to share and network about the situation.  Some used Coursecraft other didn't but have great experience on web design and in other programs/platforms. So if I can be patient then I will be educated about this all even more. 

Truthfully as I type this out I'm giving myself a little pep talk,  My way would be to fix, manage and control this lickety-split. Get it done in one day...not realistic. That behavior would be from a reactive way of thinking, this gal is in some drama that is good for learning from if I can step out of the way and allow things to unfold. Footwork on my part but really allowing it to reveal to me has been a newer way to go forward these past three years and it's not proven me wrong. 

1. be patient

2. educate, gather information

3. network

4. pray 

5. make a decision

6. commit to it. 

Now the issue that comes up is all the people that have signed up for my course and thinking they will be up forever.  This thought process online in the teaching realm from my understanding is called Evergreen, as it's open forever and as long as you signed up for the course meaning it's open and you can keep coming back to again and again.  I know and witness this becoming a marketing ploy as the online scene exploded. The ability to sign up and have it,  some might call it hoarding classes.  Which I admit I've done that too with a few online courses I taken.   Also the evergreen aspect is that you set this online course up and you don't have to keep updating the content.  It's up there for everyone with the same perspective of being there when you come back to it just as it was the first time. 

Now I'm really aware of this and will be attentive to it in my next online platform because really how can it last forever for you.   Setting the online courses up for a limited time has been something the public asks about all the time.  Purchasing something and having availability when ever and for how ever long is something that US the public thinks is going to happen. I don't mean to have a stinking attitude about but it was a marketing ploy like I said for the false sense you have it forever. Again what I've witness personally over the years. With purchasing on line we think it should be available to us always.  What about taking a course at your local college or park district.  It has a beginning and an end.  Something to think about.  

So now I surrender to what has happened, accept this and move on.  Do I like what has happened?...No. Am I the only one this has happened to?  No.  So it's always my biggest fear that we have become so depended on the internet that if it ever changed or we lose it,  would we be able to function?   I know very extremes with thinking, just really getting honest and looking at from a way bigger picture since we have learned to be depend on it through the pandemic. 

Here's to rough drafts and beginning again, my wiser self want to share, that I will have more clarity about what is going on for the future and I will have this experience to pull from and make different choices when needed.  Life's rough and messy bits in beauty and graces. 

After typing this I read my enneagram type 4 reading....Celebrate your finest qualities today. Be compassionate and intuitive, emotionally strong and honest, self-renewing and regenerating. 

If that's not a sign wow...the renewing and beginning again is something in all of us and especially in women we have this experience of cycles and season more so then not.  Ok stepping away and beginning the day. 

Thank for reading my rambles...


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