So Mercury is in Retrograde....Drama, Chaos...Oh my!

Meet Mercury....She's a woman to reckon with or is she. A bit of an attitude and stans here right? 
A Wilder Woman, who knows. 
The season here in my location is still Winter, and on the surface not much but the colors of browns some evergreens holding their color. 

So to early to plant things or dig up things physically so what is left is to prepare yourself for it the spring season.  Go dig deep within yourself as of life stuff so you can be in a clearer mind set. 

Lately when some hurts emotionally I really get real with it on the papers surface in my morning page journal. Not obsessing but honest. Not apologizing but understanding all involved. It has sure helped me see from where everyone is at in their hurts themselves they are doing the best they can. 

So here's something from a mindful book I have. 

But first remember this...10% is Life happening to you and the other 90% is you reacting to it. 

     Our Response to Suffering. The second reality, or truth, is that we have an internal response to the what we encounter. For every external event that arises, we have an internal reaction that co-arises. 

Reacting is a co-arising I had to write that again....

Some of our reactions cause or compound the suffering already there. I look at this as my big hurts from my past and silly the ones that sneak up and anticipate the future on me. 

Ex: numbing out with drugs or alcohol, food, blaming ourselves or other, and trying to manage and control another person. We have our own personal brand of insanity, alive and well and inside of us, not, ā€œdone to usā€ by others.  this is the 90% that we walk around with and use in unhealthy ways...

  Encouragement of rigorous personal honesty and self-observation.

If part of the suffering equation is our own mental and emotional reaction, it follows that we would suffer less if we could change that reaction for the better. Great! We can do something.

New breakthroughs in Western Brain research tell us that it is possible to rewrite our emotional patterns at a neurological level. New emotional habits etch new neural pathways in the brain, something other than the old responses of seeking escape, blaming ourselves or others and looking for love from external sources such as other people or material things.

Maybe we can be restored to sanity. To a more Open heart, the natural state of heart is to be open. 

Occurrences from the past or present can create blockages in that flow causing your heart to lock  At any point, you have the power to unblock your heart. In this moment, investigate what is hindering the flow of energy, or why you think you need protection. It is always better to release your fears, than to close your heart and harbor a false sense of security.

So making the connections with abstract thoughts...During this time of retrograde instead of thinking it's a bad things like everyone around you...I look at it as time to dig deep into my own reactions to life and how I can learn and grow so that my personal hurts and sufferings that I carry around in the skin are not blocking me from being who the Greater Spirit intended for me. 

Part of process is working with all of yourself not just a one section.  Taking a holistic approach has always been a gift.

Off  today to have a  discussion with some awesome Women  that have come together for Women Who Run With Wolves...


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