Wandered up to the Studio

Been playing around with an idea to make begs for the block for  better support and security as a foundation for this little piece. The wood square is a 6 x 6 inch block, that I'm using backwards.  Husband say larger pegs for the blocks but I'm going risking it with the skewers instead of dowel rods for pegs and cutting them down. 

I think I want the little box to be white and the natural wood color.  So far those are the rules I working with....I say rules only as using them for limitation to kick the creative button.  If I use white and Natural color what can I do....?  more to be revealed...(truthfully I'm flying by the sit of my pants right now) 

So this is what I envisioned at this point. The little watercolor paper piece / substrate in the middle is about 2" x 2" and I want to make even a small piece inside that.  Like a Lousie Nevelson piece. 

These will be my piece of paper that I will assemble on the 1 3/4" square piece of watercolor paper there on the left side along with the natural fibers.  I challenge myself ! 


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