Preparing for a Creative Quest, A Maker's Tale

I'm going to say I'm allowing myself to indulge in creative ideas that have been welling up inside myself way to long.  One of them is to prepare for a two month session of discernment.  Yes Lent is coming up this March 1st and I'm going to use that as a starting point. My spiritual has always came from Mother Earth, a natural order.... This will be a challenge for sure, a Creative Quest of a Maker.   

In preparation I've purchased another white sheet to make prayer flags.  $4.97 from our local Walmart. I couldn't find one at the local Good Wills...darn it I was hoping. 
 I will be sewing up the more flags.   

So quickly I throw myself and my creative needs under the bus and quickly let go of what I would like to see manifest itself in my life. I've questioned this so many times and wished I would do it...but I do.   I'm going to be pulling from many spiritual circles, for this inner refuges.  I'm excited and afraid at the same life stuff ?  I'm looking at it as a right of passage for this stage in my life.  I know already as I'm writing this out the flash of my calendar and events is overwhelming...but with creativity-prayer and meditation in walking and quiet time I'm hoping to get though it.   I'm looking at this as my own art therapy, but more so truth to Art is Life and Life is Art...a relationship that can't be with out the other. 
Now when am I going to find time to sew these flags up? Good question. I will make time for this. 

***DefinitionArt therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

From today's Moon Cycle Circle
February 26th, 

Resetting and refinement of our vision.  Knowing and Accepting Truth, (discernment)
Knowing the bigger vision. We are no different than the tiny mustard seed or the little acorn. Our potential to become something magnificent is held within each of us. It’s our task to open to the vision of what is within ,and yes this does require a great deal of discernment-but there is a whole month for that.

New moon- take time to invite your inner vision for your life to make itself known to you.  Envision your life at it's fullest. Envision all the support--both from the inside, from Creator/God/Great Mystery, from the world around you.  What does this support look like?  Don't worry about from where it comes, just that all the support you might possibly need shows up for you. Write it all down. Write a job description for 'God'--what you would want 'God' to do in terms of supporting your commitment to living fully.

This can and should be a fun exercise, don't hold back.  It may not be an easy exercise, many of us have difficulty allowing ourselves to know our vision and to accept it.  We have a whole month to explore what is Truth for this vision for ourselves, and to accept what we come to know. 

Self Reflection: Do you see one tiny intention from what comes forward for this month that is calling for your attention?  What support would be needed to commit to this intention?

***Write a job description for God.....
Good intentions, Wish list, Task list, Good Orderly Direction, Guidance, and I see letting it go afterwards and saying in the excitement of "More will be Revealed..."  to be continued for sure! 

I sit in the morning meditating with pen to paper....every morning for so long and gathering words of wisdom from other creatives and my young daughter shared with me...the morning hours before the conscious kicks-in are full of wonder and wanderlusts. Can this be true? I would say so...all I know is I'm listening Now!  

All I say is I'm preparing for a inner and outer experiences...putting my foot work in to see what transformation of attitude on life and the creative process will bring. 

Last bits...from Mindfulness, Living recovery in the present moment. 

Take Buddhism, there is a tradition of taking refuge when you begin the spiritual path of transformation in earnest. It is s decision to look to meditation training and practice as a shelter from the rain of problems and pain of life.  A decision to surrender to give up looking outside myself for happiness and running away from the difficulties life brings. Following the tracks of our ancestors...seeking wisdom. 

Flying back to our true Home~  Oh our Sand Hill Cranes have been during the past weeks....what a spiritual experience it is every time I hear them and witness their circular journey back home. 

Take refuge in awakening (Buddha)-Our inner nature can be awakened, leading us to see the path of light and beauty in the world. Finding the great reality deep down within us. Making the decision to wake up to our true self. 

Taking refuge in the path of mindfulness, understanding and love, (dharma)Time to abandon our ways of self-will run riot. 

Taking refuge in community (sangha)- relationship, family friends and community. Putting our lives on a give-and-take basis, we would have to develop the sense of being in partnership or brotherhood with all those around us. 

We are one, all of one, We are all one...Mitakuye Oyasin, Lakota-interconnectedness.   

Bare with me on this....I'm hoping it will be a good two months of creativity journey, spiritually from inside out.  I do know this is a pattern I do announce what I'm going to do and proceed to do it with myself kicking and screaming like a little one all the way....Though with my work I do understand I depend heavily on this seeking wisdom that is all around me and's just stepping back and listening for the next right step, Good Orderly Direction and wisdom from the Elders.  

Might you join me in our own personal Creative Quest during this time.......

Everything the power of the Wold does is done in a circle. The sky is round and I have heard that the earth is around like a ball, and so as all the stars. The wind in is' greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons from a great circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were. Life is a circle from childhood to childhood and so it is in everything where power moves. Our tipi are round like the nests of birds, and they are always set in a circle, a nest of many nests. Where the Great Spirit meant for us to love our children. -Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks. 



  1. I am on a creative Vision quest of my own. Such goodness in letting our creative spirit guide the way. I am walking along side you. I am grateful to witness this gift you are giving yourself and our world. Onward, my rainbow warrior sister! ❤🙏🌈

  2. Love that...Rainbow warrior sisters....Questing all over the is time! And your gifts of the Rocks....Word for the Year-is foundation when I sway to far away from my truth. Peace to you Kim and my you continue your journey with wisdom and growth.


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