What I saw in the woods

I went to the woods yesterday morning even though I have this weird cold things going on...the call to be by myself walking forward was much stronger then the call to sit around and relax. In fact that does relax me.  While I was out there I saw a site that felt it was just for me.

Do you see them...Doe and Fawn..both standing there looking at me as I looking at them. The Doe was very cautious and almost looked like she would defend with no trouble and come right at me...which I'm sure she would..that instinct to protect runs strong in all mothering creatures.  What a blessing to see that...I knew the fawns were born about a month ago but to see one that close and just as curious as I was.  Peace in the day for found for sure.

I was able to start putting my workshop packets together for the workshop coming in July...I've got a limit of 10 and I think there will be 8 but still openings to a few more.   I only take 10 for the studio space so we all have room to move around...I found that important over the years especially with the collage workshops, because I have people moving all around at lest the first two days. Then the third of collaging seems to calm down and we get to the assemblage of the work.

The weather is to flare up around here with a good close to 100 degrees on Friday...ouch..I use to say to the husband I wish you a water main break, so you can be cooled off by the water but that's not a very nice thing because a water main break is a tough job to do any day... so I've stopped that and just pray that he comes home safe...

well off to walk and then studio time...got a few things going and then packing up for the workshop..I'm really excited to be teaching the workshop. ļ»æ


  1. What a gift to be in the woods and see wildlife up close!!!

  2. You live in a beautiful place Laura. It must be constantly renewing your spirit.


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