The Drawing Begins Today,to win a book by Mary Beth Shaw

Hi Everyone,
That's right the drawing begins today.  Over a year ago and a few months ago Mary Beth asked me if I would like to be part of her book she was putting together? Of course I said yes!  Well a little history from my swiss cheese of a memory.   I first made contact with Mary Beth during an on-line traveling art exhibit called Human Artefaks.  Which got it's start over in New Zealand and most of us artist met through the Bakers Dozen Collage Exchange on line yahoo site, which now has split into two different ones but Dale Copeland has hers called ICE International Collage Exhibit and Exchange. So I said I would curate part of the traveling exhibit which was an extension of our work together called  Human Artefaks. At  one point I had a piece of Mary Beth's work in my house long with about 80  or so Cool and awesome to see and hang these piece in the once know Artful Gatherings located in down town Lemont I then shipped them all out to Germany.  

 So it started way back when and then there's been a few other places we connected on line and in person.  More resently at the Geneva Fine Art Fair a few years ago and inbetween that time and last year at the 57th Street Art Fair in Chicago, At that time Mary Beth already been working on her book behind the scenes.

So there's a bit a of history between us both that I remember... now starting today till the 25th which for some of us it's Easter, We are inviting you to come to this blog and answer a question I post as best you can and then I gather up all the names and pick one out of hat...(need to have the family help) and that person that is picked will receive from Mary Beth a copy of Flavors for Mixed Media and her stencil "Savor the Flavor"

Question I ask all of you and it's one of my favorites to ask myself...
If you could have a perfect creative day what would it be?
morning, mid-day to evening...Describe that day as best you can with as much juice details as possible.


  1. Hi Laura !
    Oh, you are maing us work for this one, aren't you ? But I love Mary Beth and think it is awesome that you have a connection with her too, so here goes :
    Wake up at the beach. Have a cup of coffee while watching the sunrise. Go for a walk along the beach, pick up rocks, sea glass, and whatever other bits and bobs are around to bring back to my beach hut for my alter.
    Return to beach hut with the big window over looking the sea. Eat some fruit while settling into the big work table in front of the window. Play tunes, watch the ocean and play with bright colors of all kinds of paints, discovering all kinds of movement and characters from within spilling onto the pages and/or canvas...
    Around noon, break for lunch - cooked by someone else, delicious, healthy green and grainy food followed by some lovely decadent dessert - say a pavlova or something...
    Walk to beach. Am joined by lovely women friends, one of whom is a beautiful dancer. She leads us in a dance of joy on the beach. We laugh and giggle and maybe even cry at how good the movement feels.
    Then we all set up to create for the afternoon, sharing a big space where we all have what we need to play. Chatting, sharing, creating all together.
    In the evening, everyone leaves and my husband arrives home to the beach hut. We share a lovely drink and a good meal on the deck facing the beach, share our days events, snuggling and basking.
    I go to sleep that night, listening to the waves break as I lay in my bed with the softest of white cotton sheets, and feel the gratitude fill me up completely.
    "That was a good day." is my last thought as I drift to sleep...

    is that too much to ask ? ;)

  2. I loved being a part of Human Artefaks with all the talented artists!
    My perfect day would need great weather with not too much wind, because I love to paint outside on the deck. My daughter would get ready for school and out the door on time w/o any mommy nagging, so I would be in a peaceful mood and ready to create. I would have laid in bed in a half awake state that morning with visions, images and new ideas of what to paint and collage running through my head.
    The painting and pasting goes well, I go in some unexpected directions that please me. Halfway through the day, I take a mental break and a walk through the neighborhood to refresh my creative energy, notice the sight and scent of what is growing, which flowers are in bloom. Then I come home, greet the dog and cats and get back to it. Late in the afternoon as I finish up, I pour myself a glass of wine, which I carry back out into my backyard, to celebrate a day of creativity.


  3. The most amazing creative day I've had in the past was at Valley Ridge-so it would definately be there! Wake up to a rooster crowing at the farm B&B and after a hearty fresh egg breakfast head over to VR and meet up with like minded women artists for a day of pure intuitive play with a revered instructor-a break for an incredible local sustainable fresh lunch-creative conversation then back to paint,papers,mediums and more creativity. About 4PM a leisurely stroll on the beautiful property with camera in hand(did I say the weather is sunshiney and gorgeous-huge white billowy clouds in a cerulean blue sky) and then back to sit on blankets outside with wine and cheese. Back to the B&B where husband has had a peaceful day of reading, a hot tub soak,a peaceful sleep, wake up to rooster crowing-repeat! One can dream can't they?

  4. Laura
    My perfect creative day would be spent with a friend at her home in Glorietta New Mexico (10 minutes from downtown Santa Fe). We would have a very early breakfast of fresh fruit and coffee on her patio. Her home is adobe and build into the side of Glorietta Pass battlefield from the Civil War. It is a very special place. We would take in the smell of pinon trees, the sounds of birds singing and horses neighing...Then we would retreat to her studio which is a free standing log cabin hut behind her home. The mountains and entire Santa Fe vibe would be our inspiration for a morning session of paper alterations. As papers dried we would head to Santa Fe for lunch up on Canyon Road at a wonderful Tapas restaurant. Then we would hit all the art galleries on Canyon Road. As dinner time approaches, we would head back to Glorietta and have a wonderful grilled dinner with home made pies for dessert. With a glass of wine in hand, we would watch the sun set and then head back to the studio for some collage creating. Working until the wee hours of the morning would be heaven!

  5. Hi Laura! How fun and challenging. This question has confirmed that I have ADD. I started thinking of one perfect day, and then my mind flitted to another perfect scene. That's my brain...oh well. I would love my day to start with a warm breeze waking me up. I could sense a faint aroma of coffe that would lure me out of bed. It would definitely be a lazy morning, and the coffee would be perfect with a great breakfast, of course. I'd have a quiet time to reflect on the day and then off to a screened-in sun room where I could work (but it really wouldn't be work) where I could pull from all my "stuff" to play and create. The sun would be streaming into the room and would be the perfect light to work in. As the day moves on, I would break and take time out to recharge. A big bowl of chocolate chip ice-cream sounds great right about now...or anything chocolate. Lindt truffles would suffice. Then off to create again...just soaking in the breeze, the sun and the light. I could be anywhere with all the elements in place, putting me in the "zone." Oh how I wish I could have that happen just once!

  6. Upon waking up I would feel the delicious feeling of knowing I had the whole day to myself to create. I wouldn't hurry out of bed, but rather dream for a while of what I wanted to do. There would be no rushing, just enjoying, and that would continue for the day. I wouldn't worry about making meals or cleaning house, just creating by myself with no one to bother me all day long. I would put on some music if I wanted, or silence if I wanted, and work long into the night if I wanted. It would be lovely - no rushing - just creating, just for me.

  7. So far it is so wonderful to hear how everyone would spend there perfect Creative Day... share more everyone.

  8. I recently had one of those Perfect Creative Days with friends in Breckenridge,CO. We woke up to a view of the beautiful mountains, snow started falling gently and coffee was brewing. We gathered our art supplies and spent the day creating, painting, sharing, laughing, supporting and encouraging. As the sun set behind the mountains we opened some wine, ordered pizza and continued until it was time to call it a day - a perfect, creative day with wonderful friends!

  9. barb boland1:41 PM

    hi laura- my perfect creative day would be to be able to return to la romita an art school in italy i attended at the wee age of 24. i was the bambina, or baby. the next oldest was 41 and went up to their 80s. most of the women were where i am now. trying to start a new life after mothering for years. we slept in an old convent in the hillside. food was brought up daily from a restaurant at the bottom of the hill. incredible. there were no worries. there was an old chapel that was used as a studio when we were not out painting en plein aire. my dream is to return now when i am more focused. i'd wake up and have fresh baked italian bread with nutella and fresh fruit including figs. after breakfast i'd go sit and meditate in the olive groves on the property and when the spirit moved i would go to the chapel fully stocked with supplies of course, and all organized. i would create art to my hearts content and build new friendships with the other women. in the evening we would sit around the little outside dining area and drink wine and cappuccino and shares stories and ideas till late in the evening after watching the sun set on the umbrian hills. i was much to young to realize what a treasure it was at the time. and the freedom.

  10. Great question, Laura! And btw, I did see your art in Mary Beth's book when I was showing it to some friends from KVAL while we were visiting at a local Borders :)

    I used to think my perfect creative day happened when I would attend a workshop - the topic didn't matter - it was just fun and inspiring to be among other artists and soak in the creative energy. but lately I've found that schlepping all my "stuff" wasn't fun because i always feel I left something I "needed" at home. So, now, I am finding my best days are in spring or early fall when it is not too hot and not cold and I can have the windows open, blues playing, tea steeping and then just let it rock! My favorite collage is with encaustic wax paints and found paper.

  11. Hello Lauraā€¦. I am excited to participate in your ā€œquestion and answer.ā€ My perfect creative day would be on a sunny day. I prefer to work without distractions so I would be by myselfā€¦ other then my two cats. I would be creating in my home on the wooden square table I inherited from my Grandmother. I would make a cup of tea and be dressed in a comfortable easy going outfit also be barefoot or have slippers on. I would spread out my usually tools I always have handy for creative timeā€¦ ie pencil, scissors, exacto knife, ruler, triangle, brushes, paint, color pencils/markers, glue and pull papers that call my nameā€¦. And go for it! I like to start in the early afternoon and know that I can go until I am empty of creative thought & energy ā€¦.at the bestā€¦.. 5 to 6 hours. Music could be in the background but I do NOT take any phone calls or jump on the net. I know when I hit the point of nothing else existing around me and I am in my own little world I have reached BLISS!! Once I stop my creative work ā€¦.the bliss can hum until I got to bed. I am in total JOY!!

  12. If it means working from home then I would guess it would be when my honey is out of town so that I have no meal responsibilities and can work at whatever hour of the day or night that I wish. I tend to enjoy the wee hours of the night/morn. Perfect art day would be one that I do not have any outside appts. Start the day off with a good time of Bible devotions for inspiration then just take off as I am lead. I don't usually work with music playing. It would be nice to have leftovers in the fridge for quick bites. And I will have to do SOMETHING to keep me away from the computer! it sucks up the hours!

    Perfect art day away from home is at an all day workshop! Fun learning something new, being inspired to go a different direction, inspired by others, fun talking, love the challenge, new tools and toys to play with. Just don't try to tell me that I can't do something, cause I will then spend my time trying to prove you wrong 8-) Yup, an all day workshop that then lets me continue playing until the wee hours of the night..... fun

  13. I'm very fortunate to have a wonderful, large studio, and I live on the floor above it.

    My best day creating would be to have the inner critic GONE!!! As I paint things would flow, because the inner critic (probably from art school crits) would get completely out of the way, and instead of analyzing, I would intuitively KNOW what to do next. Solving a "problem" would happen easily. I would feel joy & loving patience with myself, as I did the thing I love most . . creating!!

    In the evening . . supportive, caring artist friends would visit for a potluck, and we would speak art and support each other. And that day would FEEL SO GOOD!!!!

    Maybe that would be a good one to visualize and perhaps manifest . . especially the absence of the inner critic!!

    (really enjoyed this, Laura! thanks)

  14. It's still dark....feels like the middle of the night, but it isn't. It's just that the sun hasn't come up quite yet. I have just arrived at the secret location of my dreams. Wow! It's almost all glass built on a rocky hill looking out over the ocean surrounded by the most amazing gardens and patio. There is barely a breeze coming in the open sheets of glass and although the sun is bright it is a mild 70 degrees. The first floor is entirely art studio - a HUGE worktable (vase of wild flowers) at the front looking out over the water. Built in's everywhere with organized supplies for painting, mixed media, papercrafting, stamping and drawing. There is even a huge island with sinks and work area. The music is wonderful - I can smell the fresh pastries and hot coffee on the back counter. Books and magazines stacked in the window seat at the corner. I take a leisurely breakfast and flip through the magazines for ideas and inspiration. I collage girls on canvas all morning til a knock brings me a scrumptious seafood lunch with iced tea in a glass pitcher - lemon wedges and mint leaves floating. I survey the pieces I've done while I enjoy my break. After lunch I decide to begin an art journal experimenting with colors, inks and paints. Pages with watercolor and ink drippage, pages with layers of patterned paper and watersoluable crayon. Experiments with lettering and journal writing. Finally, I freshen up just in time to be picked up and delivered to the fabulous class I'm attending with a dozen other artsy fabulous new friends. This class will go into the wee hours of the morning filled with squeals of delight, laughter, wine, cheese and chocolate. We ooh and ahh as Mary Beth demonstrates the exciting new techniques we are going to be using in our projects !!!! We are mixed media maniacs...and reward each other with lovely compliments as we "show and tell". All too soon, we hug each other goodbye, we exchange blog addresses, a few tears and promise to do this more often and disappear into the night holding our beloved masterpiece. I open my eyes feeling completely refreshed after a few short hours of sleep. I feel so content and confident and find that I've lost 100 lbs, am 10 years younger, and own the house on the ocean ;-) Well, you DID say to describe the "perfect" day, right?

  15. marcia1:42 PM

    its not a place or time; no flowery adjectives; its a feeling where time stands still; everything else is far far away. one is in the moment; and if u're very lucky; it will be very good.


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