How to do it~
Sharing a image of a book that I have put my small 3 x 5 collage piece, that I worked on since August 2023 to November 2023. They were in a box but I changed my mine and now I've made a book and glued the collages to the pages. Sometimes a creative pieces take a few years.
I like the idea of not being afraid of letting your imagination rule you, to feel the freedom of expression, to let creativity be your overwhelming drive rather than other things.
You're never too old to wish upon a shooting star.
These are the quotes I picked last year to add to my 2024 vision board. I am in the beginning states of updating my technology, I needed a new laptop...and programs I use were out of date and wouldn't be supported anymore. Hmmm makes me wonder about $ expense going out at this time and what we all need to keep a business and else where.
I also question...sad to think this way, am I worth this newness that will take a few a learning session or two. As I will need to learn some new programs. I think about this off and on, if I had a job that was a small income and a pay check every two weeks...I wouldn't have to have all the technology and stuff...extra insurance. I'm going to be learn from my Husband as he's the one that sets me up with this new equipment and also my oldest daughter helps me when I'm having issue with domain names extra.
No oh poor Me's, but this life of an creative entrepreneur is always in a state of movement too. And I'm not all that to be all that about...just a creative sage of sorts.
As I shared before in some rambling, every time I walk in to my studio space on the second level of the house I'm blown away by my stuff and the history of creative events that I've been evolved in. Reflecting on this life. Changing with thoughts and emotions. It's taken me a while to have a better attitude about my MIL living with us in our house. I have to admit I just didn't care for her ways and stayed away as much as possible the last 16 years and then there you go she's living with me/us.
This is where it's a double winner, or maybe a triple one. I'm able to get my steps in and head to the studio often because it's right in my home, like I run away to the creative get away. And with the creative problem solving I look for ways to keep doing the creative sage role with in the dynamics of eldercare. Reality is I've keep a business going, now mind you not a big business but one that not consider a hobby for 30 years, by the government that is.
With the new tech equipment coming in it makes me doubt on some level how long I'll be doing this. and will I be able to keep it up...I started it when the kido's were in school and some not full time yet. I've met so many people and took major risk at new things that I really wouldn't have if I didn't have this purpose in life. At an early age with learning difficulties I found through being creative in many ways, I had some thing to offer in life too.
The ideas keep coming and sometimes I truly had to say, "Greater Spirit," please slow down so I can catch up." Allowing the imagination to rule and lead the a big creative risk. And during this time of wintering and yearly reflecting and contemplation....and another new grandchild coming, (don't know if it will be a boy or girl) I'm a bit in limbo with the roll of Baba, (grandmother too) Which I didn't know how much would steal my heart way....(tears now for all the heart tugs life now offers)
Blessings to have a studio, a loving caring creative husband, the care of an elder that is teaching so much more about myself and life then I could ever imagine, the creative circles and the gosh, Greater Spirit, life is truly full and my emotions have been brought to all surfaces and I'm feeling the wholeness of life.
As I type this out, the question is How do you do this all? Heck how do we all do this thing called life?
I know fore sure that it's the freedom to be creative that was a gift at a young age. So witness all the things as we get older that we have to let go of, loved ones, driving, a home, the ability to see, cook for yourself, pay your bills, and take care of your finance needs etc...this has me seeing life a bit differently. I pray to keep my mental, emotional, spiritual and physical self. To allow ideas to keep coming in, and in ways to do things in the arena I'm working in....first off I do need to let go of something but I can still do others, just at a different pace and time slot. Work with my expectation...oh my gosh...along with an imagination comes to a point when we have to look at, "can I do this and how"...and not get disappointed if it's not happening fast enough or to put blame on the elder and the care going out...and wear the victim cape of life.
Nothing is solved by closing up and complaining....but it is a path that is taken in the process of learning how to keep doing what you love to do with your families that you love and needs you to be who you are. As all things that are worth doing are usually not easy and they make you keep growing in understanding and love....I can get the understanding pretty fast but the Love in some area's is a challenged...."you do it for love, right?"
So all this is a contemplative moment as life slows down some enough to process and keep a good attitude on life growing in ways that do mean so much.
If anyone is reading this blog post, I would like to thank you for reading it and for who you are and to keep growing too in ways that enrich your life beyond belief....we are not perfect nor should we strive to be. But what we do need is the acceptance of our unique imperfections that allow us to be courageous in life.
I will be entering into the new vision board with the word for the year, Flourish and the animal spirit of the Bear...nice big brown bear too. I bought a stuffy for myself and my granddaughter, to still extend the child in me. it is going to be placed on our bed between our pillow as the Donkey is now...the donkey was my spirit animal in 2024...and to see on social media how they helped the people after the hurricane and still now warms my heart...they are special. Did you know that the donkey has the big ears and can hear each other communicate over 60 cool is that. Their strong and sturdy creatures that have a inner knowing about the lay of the when they get the bum rap about being stubborn, there is a reason for that.
Rambles of words...and not in known order, if you think someone would like to learn about collage and mixed media arts at a slower and whole pace, share the blog with them...or not that's fine too~
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