Sharing from my Newsletter Tack Down Tuesday Sept 24th 2024

 The Grandchildren, the second generation of us. As a friend shared with me at the reception as we watched her, she is me and I am her along with the other mother and fathers before us and after us. Now that is a larger picture of things to be and things that have past. Kind of puts you in our place of the present moment with awe, contemplate that.

I have to share that I was so scared to talk. 
"What?" you might be saying. The gal with the gift to gab. 
But I was never the one that did well giving a book report in front of the class. (The joke was about getting ready, "are you going to wear your apron?" It's like a security blanket for me.) I did pretty good then I lost it a bit and ramble Gallery Direction saved me a bit, and then it was done, and we enjoy the refreshment and tasty tidbits of good food. I don't think I addressed the crow symbolism that shows up in some of my pieces. You can watch this video on my website-About Me.

From a greater source out there in
 world I kept seeing and hearing just be you...
"That's what we all need to do and I keep doing too."

A dream has come true, it's happened again. I have to share many dreams have come true, like marrying that man you see about to hold hands with his granddaughter.  When I saw him for the first time, I said to myself,  "I'm going to marry that man, and we will share grandchildren together." Never ever has any dream become so true as a dear one like this. And we have more grandchildren coming...happy dance! 

If it wasn't for the family that I live with, my parents, who allowed me to be, and showed me how to keep working with my hands, plus the friends that I keep, I wouldn't have such a good life and so much support in events like this. 
Life is art and art is life. Stay in it and be creative.

The creative life is so very close to the spiritual life that they sometimes become one and the same. Well, I'll stop here and just say thank you all for coming to the reception. This gal has arrived again though the dreams she's kept.  Never give up on them because you never know you might be in the process of living with them right now


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