Starts Soon

Starts September 10th - December 10th, 
14 week long class full of wonder and creativity. 

Nature Scroll Sketching 
Two Scroll Rolls
This class at Mayslake Peabody Estate, Oak Brook IL, Starting September 10th this class will be more like a college course then a class, 14 weeks that's three month long. I've set this up because it takes a long time to make the segments that get attached together then roll up into a scroll like these two above in the photo. 
Altering papers we will explore to use in the Scroll Sketches.
  • Explore natural dyes, coffee and ink on found papers
  • Make Rust paper
  • Find and use natural elements, printing etc.
  • Work with collage and mixed media
  • Allowing ideas to changes and to happen
  • Use fibers and hanging bits to be seen and excite
  • Nature (Fall) all around for inspiration
  • Learn about process  and showing up for ourselves
  • Investment for our creative soul.
End up with a long piece of artwork quite possibly 7-9ft long that rolls up into a sculpture and bears witness of your  creative process each week. I'm really excited to be teaching this class.  If one misses a day no worries as you can make it up in class or at home.  The Creative process is always exciting especially work along side others...ideas bounce and latch on in ways we never could image. 

Nature-Scroll Sketching  Don't let this pass you up, process is a life skill and we will be learning this together. 


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