Pulling out a stalled piece

 This pieces has been sitting on my floor of the studio for months...I keep moving it around and looking at it knowing I would get back into some day.....Well someday came, this could have been a piece that was left in it's state to just grow dust on. Then long enough time between starting and never finishing would set in and off into the recycling bin it might go. 

This piece is 8" wide and 36" long....I have a mat already cut and a frame with glass...it was just waiting for the moment to jump back in. 

Then this happened,  I did the thing that is never good, I place a piece coated on both sides and tack another piece of paper on it.  Didn't even see that I had laid it on the main piece. Quickly I pulled up but it never ends great...I tore up the top layer of the paper....My piece just took a new direction with out planning. 

Life's Constant Changes 8 x 36 without mat and frame

Tack Down Tuesday, Newsletter, Life's Constant Changes



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