Letters from the Editor

This piece kind of popped up yesterday morning and I am fond of it when I seen it as I was digging other works out of storage. The cut up words from a magazine, which I'm not sure what it said from the start but the contrast of the black and white have always been appealing to me.  

Step after step, 
pause to allow a moment to sniff, 
heard are the chickadee chatters.

The pace picks up again
cool air flows 
hairs move. 

Repetition and rhythm 
ripple into my being
swaying to the beauty of the morning

Ahead the light footed 
one crosses, ventures down the dried 
water way. 

Making eye contact we both wonder.
Again we spot each other on the other side.  
Quickly, in a flash hidden in the cattails,
this four legged one goes.

A gift to see the wilds of the morning. 
The pace continues as the cool energy flows, 
dancing in the trees.

Laura Lein-Svencner, 2024

Yesterday when I came back from my walk I had wanted to document the experience with words. Gracie and I walk most mornings, sometimes seeing natures blessings and other times not a soul.  It is still a morning practice that we both enjoy.  I like to guess at what Gracie might be smelling, another dog, rabbit, raccoon or the light footed one. 


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