Hints of season change, Cottonwood

This morning on our walk(Gracie and I) the cottonwood at the end of the cattail basin is letting us know of the season change. They seem to be the ones that drop their leaves first. Or could be the major heat, but I will trust the season change.  It's about 5 inches big, I know you can find them larger.  Like the Sycamore leaves in the maple family. And the colors more vibrant but this one was inviting me to pick it up. 

Did you know the inside of the cottonwood branch when cut on the tree will have a strong resemblance of a star. I just think that is so cool.   

A blast of rain and Nosie from the Thunder beings came a few minutes after we finished our walk.  The clouds and the tree tops are something I watch as I walk through all seasons.  And when the wind blows the sound the wind makes that is different depending on the shape of the leaves, is so exciting to me. 
A moment this morning to fill the spiritual well. 



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