Pulling it out again


Julia Cameron has been sharing this a long time but was published in 1992. It was but a year afterward that I snagged on to and not let it go yet. 

I felt the nudge to pull it out yesterday and begin again from the start.  Reading the introduction words, sentences popped out.  You see with the low enrollment of classes as a creative that means time to shift streams of income and direction.  So with that it has me questioning what, where, when and how. 

Honestly doing this as long as I have and the grandbabies come and the one we have now makes me want to pull in and not put classes out there and be available for my gals having the babies. Oh this doesn't mean not being creative and using the tools at the end of my hands it's just aligning things differently. Staying flexible and adjustable, I think I am mostly but as I'm finding out not so...my people around me let me know how ridged I get and how I want things a set way...(Geeze family when I find a system I stick with it.) 

Anyways off track, things I found interesting and resonate in the intro are.....

  • In a sense, as we are creative beings, our lives become our work of art. 
  • Spiritual alignment
  • Relearn life
  • Full circle, Spirituality leads to Creativity and Creativity leads to Spirituality. 
  • Seeking a Spiritual Path
  • There is no such thing as being done with an artist life. 
  • Hunger for creative living.
  • Peaks and valleys, expansion and contractions....(contrasts of life) 
  • Withdrawal, detachment, nonattachment, Pull focus, moving to higher ground, positive process
  • Are we squaring our creativity setting ourselves up for corner blocks? 
  • Staying flexible, increase living a fuller life and being a full time person, Back to the full circle.  
  • We enter into a heighten sense of autonomy and possibility. 
I've done my morning pages for so many years my attic feels the weight of the journals...too funny right, no not so.  Anyways my well being has been started each day with them and I really don't want to stop. 

This past week I went to the woods, that became my artist date which is such an enjoyment and solitude that helps me with the whole, Withdraw and Pull Focus where it needs to be. 

On to matting up a few collage pieces for a sale yesterday online and preparing a wood panel and later in the day I will head over to my son in laws and daughters to watch my little Taurus Flower Blossom and give her the piece of artwork I made last week.  Grateful and feeling very blessed.  


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