Doing the showing up



Today, you assume full responsibility for your own wellbeing. Offer yourself the space you need. Stop being a victim of someone else's behavior or presence, or lack thereof. The other's attitude has got nothing to do with you. Look closely to see if certain situations or people are filling you life with joy, or if they are blocking your growth with negativity. It takes courage to make choices aimed at your own happiness and welfare. Sometimes it can be painful; you might have to let go of certain things, or be in uncomfortable situations. At times you will have to make sacrifices and disappoint people. Self-care is really all about nurturing and empowering yourself; accepting that you are the only one who can uphold your joy-and your pain. No one else can do this for you. So be compassionate with yourself. There is no reason whatsoever t be a tyrant or a perfectionist. Accept who you are and where you stand right now. Create a life that you don't need to escape from, and where self-sabotage is unwelcome. Be generous with yourself and your time to foster you own long term health and happiness. Connect yourself to the love within and focus that good energy to your current needs. Catch yourself if you fall. You can only become hearty, healthy and whole if you take care of yourself first. Only then will you be able to experience a flourishing and authentic connection. 

This statement below sound dramatic in a way 

Remember that at your best, you become profoundly creative, able to transform painful and potentially crushing experiences into something good, beautiful, and valuable. (type 4 on the enneagram) 

I post these image from my collage sketchbook in a row here because in the moment of showing up to the page and starting a meditation I wasn't in the best mind set and with a few minutes of holding scissor and paper in my hands beautiful things happened. These I've all done early in the morning.  The changing of our wellbeing is very important and how that's done is for each of us to figure out and show up for ourselves.   

Thank you for viewing and reading....what helps your wellbeing in small ways?  All I know is I feel better and happier so do the small things that can make the biggest changes.  The beauty if not working about the end result and let the cutting, tearing and glue but what it is.  Like like a wash of color in watercolor can be so beautiful. Some day I will explore that too. 


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