Dirty Pretty

The Cattail Basin looking from the north to the south, the green feels like it goes on forever.

Back from walk, grabbed stuff and a bowl of cherries.

I had thought I lost this little Artist pocket journal...and then there it was, fretted way to long about where it was. When to Wisconsin back for a week and a half and there it is....? 

So getting set up for a Collage mediation in my sketchbook before the small art journal. Got my almonds, scissors, glue stick and one image I've selected. 

Contrast, keeps life exciting. 

Keeping it under 30 minutes just cut strips to create a tower and the baby robin at the top...a bit of hand gesture and I'm done with the date at the bottom. If your interested in a short but powerful Collage Sketchbook Class Check out Collage Meditation on my Lonecrow Studio, teachable site Collage Meditation on my Lonecrow Studio, teachable site



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