A Donor Truck for Izzy

So this is the donor truck it was stripped clean last weekend and this weekend, 

The Rear End was taken and the front whole tires.  And so many other parts too. 
Here are the tires from the donor truck for Izzy there.  


Not sure if you can see the solid piece of metal that has to be sawed to get the whole rim, tire and the parts need for the front tires on the rebuild truck - Izzy. Gracie our Bloodhound/Lab is getting sensitive to sounds as she gets older...so she was hiding when the grinding was going on.  I had walked out to see if anyone was hungry and saw this.  I'm impressed with it. Hard work though to saw it.  

This will be the older new rebuilt engine for Izzy.  2001 5.3LS Chevy.  How exciting all these truck parts all over.   Things are just unfolding with a bit of work though to disassemble. Our Son has come over to help quiet often.  

This is his car he built and made a 8 second run in a quarter mile.  So he's part of the 8 second club...this all happened last year, He's rebuilding the engine now again...I won't go into details because this stuff is over my head but I'm proud and exciting the creative work is happening for the men folk too. 

Well soon it will be time to rebuild Izzy motor...and we found a place were we can get the regalia for Izzy...you know the Chevy emblems and stuff. 



So this was it.....our drama, real life stuff.  


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