Wintertime is a reflective time

So many thoughts and understandings are rising up as the year comes to an end. Darn I say growing up or maturing?  I'm not sure, and I'm not questioning's a welcome calm. 

This is a magazine collage done through one of the Artist ways books about two yeas ago and I was thinking about what I would like to do on a retreat if I was facilitating. Lets say some day this will happen.

Some words I've been receiving that I would like to share, not mine but soulful centering for me. 

By consciously choosing to keep a positive attitude regardless of what happens around us, we gain greater strength and control over our emotional state. Though we are naturally sensitive beings, we don't have to let our outer circumstances affect us negatively. We can choose to hold a positive attitude and let our joy affect our surroundings. We then become cocreators with the universe, and we attract more positive energy, which continues to enhance our moods. By maintaining a positive attitude regardless of your outer circumstances today, you are taking greater control over your emotions and creating your best life.

From Inner Compass Cards 

Walk the Talk 

You talk the talk but do you walk the walk?  This card invites you to examine if you really lead by example. Before sharing your wisdom with someone else, can you consider whether or not you have integrated your own lessons? In other words, would you take your own advice?  If you live up to your own ideas, you will inspire others to also step in their power.  That which has gotten you further, might just be what the other needs to help them out of a rut. What ever you have been through, you now recognize in someone else. People will be drawn to you because they see how you have managed to live truthfully and with integrity yourself. Those around you will trust you because you always do what you say and say what you do. Managing to materialize your own expansion will give you credibility, reliability, and the potential to inspire everyone. Healing yourself begets healing that which is around you. Actions speak louder than words and your wisdom comes from your own experience. 

Reflecting back to move forward, taking the time to personal write, think and type about this along with walking, creating and sharing with dear friends at times allow one to be heard.  Right or wrong doesn't matter but to be heard.  Through the challenging this year of taking care of an elder, I've learned more about myself then I care to said.  And as I witness the decline of an elder energy levels,  which I do understand I can't fix old...there are moments of high sensitive to both myself and her.  Wishing someone die in front of you isn't always easy... Everything is very slow in her life now and learning to allow the slowness is what is respectful at this time.  We find time of laughter and joking.  

So with experience under the belt the emotional state is interesting now.  I'm catching myself in sliding into the oh poor me's and changing it as fast as I can and being honest with my feelings and looking at choices I can make to make my best life.  Gratitude is a changed attitude. Positive a powerful strength to me some and going to keep being grateful for it. 


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