Finding Water, Julia Cameron

I have just finished up with the book Walking in this World and that was 14 weeks of meeting every week at the local Library share each weeks.  Now I begin this book Find Water, not one of the ones that every one jumps to right away.  Usually it's the first two, Artist Way, and Walking in this World.  This might be one of the truest ones of her as she shares some deeper emotions and how to get through them.  Same work asks of us as her other books which I'm Ok with myself. Morning Pages, Artists Dates and Walks.   So good and health for us all, doesn't matter what level of creative you are in.  

I looked a my file I have on line with things that are saved and it was August 30th 2018 that the last time I read through and did the work with a group.  It's 2023 now. Five years differences, I do enjoy what is reveled when I make another round of the book years later.   I like to start on Sunday with this weekly reads, Do I do all the task work or in this book it's Divining Rods? No but I am in thought about it and aware so that's good.  

Always we begin it not every new day?  

We have a chance to start again and with new insight.  

Moving into or uncovering a Sense of Optimism. 

Prior to this read I ordered more mat board, screws and d-strap hangers with coated picture frame wire. Preparing for more work to be matted and framed.  I would like to prepare for an exhibit of my tack down Tuesday piece some where...go some ideas.  



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