The Season, Fall and the West Direction


Greater She Bear, 18 x 24 collage on wood panel, hanging in my living room now. 

I made this bear while working with the west direction a few years ago, it is pleasure to bring her back in to view now and work with the spirit of the bear and the turtle.  

I will spend more time with myself in this lifetime than with anyone else. Let me learn to be the kind of person I would like to have as a friend. “He who would have beautiful roses in his garden must have beautiful roses in his heart.” S.R. Hole"

The west is where we meet the end of the day or death of the day. "it's always darkest just before the dawn." Florence + the Machine, Shake it up.   This is the direction of life/death it's also the direction of our adulthood.   Color black, Water is the element, and season of course is Fall.  

Summer was abundance and now Fall is the harvest time.   I hope I can work more with this direction, fall is my favorite time and the harvest is the best for gathering family and friends.  Really letting go of old patterns and being present with life.  shedding the skins I cause one could say...but isn't that in the spring time a snake does that...but fur bearing animals shed and prepare for the winter time with a thicker coat.   Grabbing straws but I much rather being in the realms of spiritual growth with the every changing body and mind that cycles with the earth.  

What I want, 

What I think is happening 

and what really is happening seem to be a threesome I'm always teetering on.  

This day I start a new class and it always has me looking forward into the dynamic of the class and what is to be taught.   This is where my perfectionism want to rise up.  And past experience has me just putting on my apron and going with it anyway it works.   So many elements to work with when teaching a class.  But what is most felt is excitement of a new class, a new day, a fresh start, newness is upon us all and it's at a great place with nature all arounds us.  

Some look upon this time of year as a new beginning.  I know I get excited about it too.  Well I'm going to listen more to Florence and see where it takes me today.  I'll end with this quote. 

"I will spend more time with myself in this lifetime than with anyone else. Let me learn to be the kind of person I would like to have as a friend." “He who would have beautiful roses in his garden must have beautiful roses in his heart.” S.R. Hole"


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