Gathering of Word rambles

Life's Experiences, Older collage that has since sold to a dear internet friend some time ago. 
I picked my Rock this morning and it said, "Get Real,"  Along with the words keep it simple and Illusion fell into the mix. 

How can you fully experience your Presence here and now? 

Allow yourself to experience the richness and subtlety your life. (aspects that are hard to notice)

"The invitation to live life fully is offered to me each day. I can accept the pace of change today, knowing it will bring both times of active involvement and periods of quiet waiting. I will let the surprises of the day open up before me." 

“Besides the noble art of getting things done; there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.” Lin Yutang"






Pace of Change

Active and Quiet

Wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials

The path to grow and know and be present in your own life...Can we understand that?  

The active parts of life are always on for me....I seem to have no shut off switch on most days. Working with the west direction I'm reminded that there are always choices and to know that the quiet action of waiting can be one of them. The off switch, as of not doing and just being is a difficult action for me. Go figure right?  

Alignment of the state of life, choices to be made moments of quiet waiting.  The quiet waiting is a newer behavior but relatable with More Gets Revealed when there is unknown or not sure how to approach life. 

Morning which is darker in the season, doesn't stop the ideas and activity from flowing.  I'm debating to start walking in the evening hours instead of the early morning.  Which soon may be around 6:00pm.  

Watching my dear little Taurus Blossom of a granddaughter-Freyja on Monday evenings may need to be a choice I will make or not...the need might be or not.  The load of an elder in my care has my heart wants to lean into the being the Baba and not the Caregiver.  This is where I will learn to wait and pray for guidance and be in the pace of change.  

If there is anything I'm learning through this circle journey around the planet is that the victim role is not healthy.  The role of a creative adventurer is much more exciting.   Living fully, being present in the richness and subtlety of life is so much better of a choice.  

Ok time to stop the word rambles....and get on with the day. There will be more that is always revealed this I know for sure.   


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