One Theme Assemblages

140lb. watercolor paper, size 2" x 5.5" Starting with 10 sections, used my bone tool to score the fold. 

Folded one way then reversed the fold so that I can tear it. 

Not going for crispy edge, deckled edge is what I want and the watercolor paper will allow for different teas or dye's to soak in. Much like my scroll roll process. 

Here is a segment from a scroll roll that I did while back with some inspiration from nature. 

I was going to have this horizontal but I'm like the vertical presentation. 

Just grabbing things from the draws as a prop for more inspiration. 

I would like to carry on a circle theme on the segments...and I made a stencil so I can work in threes. 

I'm not sure if I'll work in just watercolor though.  I would like to see that little box filled up and then turned into an assemblage.  That's a direction I would like to head in. Setting an assignment and good intention in motion.  



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