Completed Green Leaf


My quiet time in the morning after doing morning pages seems to move right into working on the concertina sketchbook.  I started this one as a one of my demo piece at Dillman's back in June of this year.  I completed it this morning.  There is a theme that is carried through and it's using the leaf shape and nature. 

The beginning spread has the words, Spiritual Growth.  Who would share with me long ago that moving into my elder years has a whole lot to do with it.  The growth spiritually.  There has always been much that is not controllable and much that has to be let go of in order to move with the flow of change.  Myself as a woman, artist, mother and now baba and a caregiver to an elder.  The relationships with the people, mainly my family members is something that I keep working with and the facts of the empty nests the symbolize is amazing to me.  My need for more solitude the most is showing itself with how I'm handling myself with changes.  I need more time to process to gentle move forward, not forced and rushed.  Too much of that going on outside of my little safety zone.  I don't go out and do as much as before, and we all now why for a good two years...and now it's not possible for long periods unless we have another here for care of the MIL...not complaining because the fact is I am a homebody and so was my mom always want to go, go, go.  I think because I have a studio in my home I can retreat there through out the day if need be.  But the morning time is special to me and always has been.  


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