Moved by a Podcast

"Through it all Balance was found." 
8 x 8 collage on watercolor paper, created after this larger piece below. 

Paths on this Good Earth, 
36 x 36 Collage on Canvas-available

I was so moved by this podcast from Art Juice, I'm sharing my letter to Denise only in hope of relating with gratitude. The journey of Women creatives takes different paths then some especially when we have families and are divided into sections and segments... If you're a creative, woman at any age I do believe you can relate. 

 Recent Art Juice with Denise Gasser, has me contemplating some thoughts. 

Good Morning Denise, 
I listened to the podcast on Art Juice yesterday while taking my morning walk with my dear companion Grace, (bloodhound/lab).  I wanted to share with you how working with my art and four children around was a struggle at times and other times it was the most amazing thing. And now that I'm in Eldercare with my MIL living with my husband and I...(we were empty nesters for a year.) Segmented creative time is back in my reality and trying to stay focused and not be so distracted is a challenge.  I'm almost 62, MIL is 85, blind, diabetic but all stable with our help,  and I've been very fortunate to be a creative maker and teacher of my art for 29 years, a real working artist.  Now that I shared where I'm coming from I wanted to tell you it was inspiring to hear what you had to say about your life and your art.  The people are different but the act of creating and how it's done is so familiar.  Listening has allowed Hope to enter again. As women with children and being able to work artistic magic in many ways and witness their growth together, life is so full and rich.  As working with an elder and also with segmented moments to create you have to continue to be able to stay flexible to the needs of the house, your people/family/yourself and your art. I've been a witness and an active member of this life dance, beginning life with one at the breast to now the end of life still caring for our loved ones.  As a woman and being a creative maker/artist it is a swaying that's different from some but so relatable to others when we talk/share honestly with spirit, passion and hope for personal longing to share our love the innermost in the outer aspects of our lives.  

I've always been one that continues to do the work on the inside and express outwardly, never forgetting life is a process and I sure do enjoy the process/journey. There is so much to learn about myself along with my relationships around me...not always do I get it, but I continue to strive for the understanding of it all. So grateful for the path to express creatively.  
Thank you for your experience, one can always keep learning. It reminds me I've been in this territory before and I can navigate it as long as I stay grounded in checking in on myself.  So glad you shared your story, inspiring beyond these words. 

Off to walk in Morning meditations with gratitude and help in attitude. 


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