Art Therapy this Morning

Let's start from the bottom up!
So goofy how the photos uploaded from the phone to the blog, learning new things always.  Next time the last goes on first.  But anyways, I need to get to a place.  Using the art materials and my tools I able to push, pull, drag, smear and stamp.  All this activities and elements used help me process and it just feels so darn good.  I know through my process of layering that what I start with is not what I'm going end up with.  Though I do have a sense of color but then I have to kind of lose direction that.  Or best said Let Go and and let if flow...if its not pretty or pleasing it will still be good to use for some part of art along the way that I make.  My hands are messy and it's 7:11 in the am and I'm planning on getting ready for a walk with Gracie.  Feeling so Alive.  Like I said, "Artist need Art Therapy too!"  


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