Inner Compass Work, East Direction


I waited for the moment and this morning with the full moon of yesterday and the change of time on our clocks this weekend...what is a good time?  

East Direction, Inner Compass  

As we enter the East Direction Inner Compass working with Medicine Wheel, we will look at the first light of the Day and what gifts it brings to us.

In the East a good leader/healer/human being, learns to see things as being all connected. Step outside in the early morning hours and great the sun, breath in the air, rest in the moment of the birth of new beginnings. The East is a birthing place and one of new intentions and growth.

Oh Great Spirit who dwells in the sky,
lead us to the path of peace and understanding,
let all of us live together as brothers and sisters.
Our lives are so short here, walking upon Mother Earth's surface,
let our eyes be opened to all the blessings you have given us.
Please hear our prayers, Oh Great Spirit.
 - Native American Prayer

Light is Life-Sunlight

Life was born on earth. The need for light is proper in function and development, it is crucial for all living things. Light is so important to see and distinguish details, individual color, brightness and movement. There is a very strong impact on our attitudes with how light affects us.  Also physical, metabolism, blood circulation and our hormone balance. It synchronizes our internal clocks and helps our body function with a certain rhythm. Could it be helping us line up our own heart beats?

The ability to see provides us with the most information about our surroundings, everyday functions and mood. Light can reduce our fatigue and affect our energy improvement for work that needs to be getting done. Overall, it positively affects our mood and well-being. We don’t want to become depleted or deficient of this natural energy source.

As in all good things, balance is important.  Regulating light in the right amounts, is important fuel for our whole being.

The Vitamin D is a big thing these days with our advancement of light behind a computer screen and working from home.  Not complaining but so quickly we get out of alignment and our balance over all is wacked so quickly. The sunshine vitamin is so good for us it is absorbed through the skin and prevents bone loss, reduces the risk of heart disease, weight gain and various cancers.  Though saying this we will have to protect ourselves with sunscreen. Short bouts of sun through the day is a great boost and up leveler.

I watch my dog and cat both lay in the sunshine through the door and windows inside the house, all season at that. Our dear animals know this just like a good stretch before we move into the new day. I was taught to watch the animals and see what we can learn from them, they know.   

I don’t have drapes or curtains in my windows on the first floor, though in the kitchen there are some little shades to pull down at our dinner time. Short but helps us see our food when we eat together.  There is words shared about the importance of Circadian rhythm and getting back on track with that, like a reboot of your own natural sleep-wake cycle.  

Color is important to me since I’m an artist but it’s also very important to us all as stated above.  Connecting to the sun’s energy through color and the reflection of it is so interesting.  Shared from the North Inner Compass direction White is the purity of all colors when seen through a prism.  The source of white light-Sun now in the East direction becomes a combination of reflective energy. Use color in your home to be a source of what your outside world is.  Color as we now know it can brighten and darken our days and moods so be conscious of this as you spring clean clutter and arrange our environmental indoor space and outside spaces.



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