Inner Compass, East, Growth and Healing

Can We Heal 
8 x 8 
Collage on watercolor paper

East Direction, Inner Compass, Growth and Healing

Along with new beginnings of the East Direction there is growth and healing. The sun infuses us with energy as the days become longer, the warmth of the air all around us along with our other sense are awakened. Blooms of ideas playfulness spins around in our hearts.  We are touched with the energy in all living things.  It’s powerful.  Aliveness can take over and we become goofy with life.  “Spring Fever”

To grow can be a challenge it’s happening whether we like it or not.  Awaken with the energy and praying for good orderly direction, a great way to start your day.  By connecting to a center/grounding like roots growing downward before the life force emerges, we become part of life and the process of preparing ourselves.

How do you prepare for growth and healing within new beginnings?

The combination of growth, and healing go hand and hand.  Both can open emotions, think of red and the emotions that flow from either side. So strong and passionate in its deeper meanings  we sway from one side to the other of positive and negative. Pull from the North the clarity from our time of rest and the wisdom from our elders, their strength to continue to show up and working to understand their confusion and points of being overwhelmed they turned to the faith of the unknown.

During the wintertime of the north direction growth isn’t always visible.  Listening, being still developing wisdom from our past experiences and the wisdom from our elder.  One cannot stay there in one direction long if natural growth is to happen, we need to accept that there is change on the horizon always.  The incubation time of winter has now offer us the birthing time of growth in the Spring Direction of the East.   Women folk know this all too well, birthing is painful. The pain leads to a new beginning. We cycle into our life, naturally and sometimes that isn’t without growth, healing, change and some pain. On the other side of it is the beauty, love, and light energy.

Many want to avoid pain it’s not a good thing to feel any pain.  To afflict pain on someone else or on us with the purpose of thinking it good growth, is false.   Though it’s part of life when grow is upon us though.  As changes, pain has many beginnings and endings.  The important part is to really know thyself  working the Medicine Wheel and doing the inner compass work is part of that journey. 

Change is growth,

Change is painful,

Change is healing,

Change is acceptance, 

Change is always moving through us, like the flow of a river ever changing.

Change is a new perspective and attitude.

Change is seeing the present moment for what it is.

No growth or healing can take place if one stays in a stagnant murky place emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. This is where pain blocks our growth, and we falsely take a stance and make choices that keep ourselves stuck out of fear, not allow growth or good healing.   

Some areas that might need to be looked at before and that is acceptance of where we are at in our life now.  Being in the now of yourself, acceptance of yourself as you are. Is a process of facing a raw naked truth, the imperfect being that we are and our new growth and healing. We can always begin to become the beautiful human being we are meant to be, each new day. Though we may need some extra help with some of our past experiences, please ask for help so you can grow in all areas of your life. Time is now, become unstuck, time to let go of the heaviness that brings you down where no growth or new ideas have a chance to sprout and have their first shoots.

Making choices to do things differently starts with changing our own behaviors.  Time to do the dance of being honest and accepting of who and where we are again “NOW” if we can’t accept where we stand on our own two feet as we are then we can not grow, heal, or change.  Yes, we might have messed up and are afraid to move forward because it hurts etc. Making a choices is our freedom and with the new day, new energy, we take a risk to pop our selves out of the richness of where we have been planted and spring forward.

Nothing alive is meant to stay stuck in its murky muck of life. 

This was never intended for any living thing.

Native American Prayer

O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.
I come before you, one of your children. I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made, my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy: myself.
Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, so that when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.
 - Chief Yellow Hawk

The East energy is direct and is calling for us to be flexibly, naturally adaptable and to channel a newfound creativity and a higher vibration. Our time is Now, to open our hearts to love, to experience a deeper peace. Our pain offered is this chance and choice to heal within our bodies-hearts, minds, soul and spirit. The fresh spring breeze of the winds sharing the peace over the land. Through this action of change and new ideas, like the seeds planted, we activate them and begin to heal with the energy that flows through all living things.

Beginning is a place to be humble, is like that little seed, starting from a place of no ego, no judgement and just continuing to be present and reaching upward seeking a higher view.  


Using nature as a guide make a list of new fresh starts for yourself.


1.     Be out in the morning great the sun, be thankful for the energy given freely to you.

2.    Be like a tree in a gentle breeze and move with a flow, allow your body to be flexible, listen to natures music.  

3.    Give yourself space to glow and grow, sit in nature, practice breathing the fresh air around you.

4.    Drink water, we are of water too and the water needs to flow through us.

5.    Movement in form of dance, yoga, walking in nature, drumming keeps our present moments strong and building good roots of connection.

6.    Nourishment- food, become creative with our food for healthy habits. Food is life as much as the light and water for our bodies.

7.    Socialness is becoming part of our lives again. Which can feel very new and awkward, but also inviting, and a bit giddy, but do it anyways- communicate. We begin again like a new spring, bring laughter and grow in our relationships. Feel again~

8.    Allow the natural creative ways to enter in, give time to carry an idea all the way through and grow with it.

9.    Fly a kite with the winds as our guide.

10.  Walk a trail seek the first green energies and watch the creature scurry in the new energy too.

 Part of living a healthy, balanced, and harmonious life is working with what you know now and leaving room for the universe, good spirits to move within you and around you. This way you allow the room to continue to grow.

Part of healing is going back to the place you first felt your hurt.  Here is where you will find the direction to grow. Pushing through the pain of the moment from back then and revisiting the emotional states, This is the direction to begin this in.  At first, we can see red in all the wrong ways. We may not heal completely but as we work around the direction little by little, we sprout new understandings about what it was about for us, and we grow from our place of pain.  As one works with the Medicine Wheel and welcomes the guidance of the four directions continuing in natural ways, cycles as our seasons we connect, our aging, and our humanness to the relations. We begin to see we are all one.

 Running From Pain 

On to our spirit animals-Eagle and Mouse


I am of strong East European descent with a connection to the earth and nature. The spiritual work of our inner being is one of the individual persons.  A lifetime of seeking to continue to connect to what is true has led myself on a learning path in great respect for all. There is no claim of being a decent from a Native American tribe. The natural ways of the Medicine Wheel are gentle and all-encompassing for growth of our spiritual self.  I share this because I'm only sharing gifts pass through me from working through my own life's experience and listening and learning from all those that gather in the circle. A student of life is a great grounded place to be as our teacher are everywhere.  Any trail that leads you to look within is always going to lead you through a journey of self-discovery on so many levels.  No one says it going to be easy or without pain, but the reality is we become who we are meant to be as we heal our own wounds for service of others in our life.   Keep showing up, you are worth it! 


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