Black and White, Hand Stitching

 Oh look at that and I'm off on another trail or path with ideas and exploring the beauty of creating with my hands. Selfish?  Sure but mostly nurturing. Seeking out the everyday magic and it flows through in some small signs and signals.  Like a feather we see floating.  Though it's winter time still the hand stitch has always been a calming activity. I don't crochet or knit.  Though I have in the past it's not my thing at the moment let's say because who knows what will strike my fancy as I continue to grow.  

So I ramble on...I've been seeing Jude's work on the social media platforms for sometime and I was attracted to it then the glimpse of the black and white feather.  Like a hound dog on a scent I went for it and contacted her.  Her site is Spirit Cloth and the Magic Feather project, and Cloth Whispering.  I think I had that wrong when I was sharing it on social media...sorry about that Jude.   I will be visiting often and I've signed up for her newsletter too. Her authenticity is what I'm also attracted too. 

This all led me to a quick run to Michaels Craft store and to stock up on some embroidery threads. Got lucky and picked the rack that had 25 cent clearance.   I just might have to head back over for some more colors or not.. I do have a nice box of colors to work with, thinking of feathers that I personally in nature to mimic. 

When I see the black and white contrast I'm hooked, in any art, clothing etc.  It for sure is an attention getter. But there is something deeper about the colors and contrast and the feeling that flows through.  Extremes of life, and when mixed together the gray specks with a soft lesson.  

I think watching my Mother In Law with her time in life, legally blind and living with us now...the gift of purpose for her has been to find something she can do with her time besides, site, kind of watch tv and talk to people on the phone.  She has her exercises she does daily and when the weather is a bit warmer she is walking her steps around the block...but the days are long and she was a person that used her hands a lot, sewing masks, cooking foods, crocheting blankets, and in earlier years canning foods.  

So my heart allow we try sewing yarn holes drilled through old boards and that was Ok but what where these going to be.  Now they show her that she has progressed to a place and she can still learn even with her blindness.  Fingers if you can feel with them can be used...takes longer and is more frustrating then ever.  I see her struggling but when she gets it...what joy. 

Now some seams are reversed but character is being added as she goes.  I told her the imperfect is the love she adds to this little gift she is making for her Great Granddaughter. How specially this was for her to handmake it and give it to her.  

Happy to say the felt I picked up at SCARCE the other day has now become more 4inch squares and are already started for the next Great Granddaughters birthday coming in 5 months.  She'll need to make one more but it will probably be a big pillow for the Great Grandson.  

As I think about it, like my collage work, and any time I work with my hands..." I bring life to it, then through it...what emerges is a relatable essence we can all understand." (The creative ones are the messengers of life) Never take for granted working with your hands they are our first tools.  My baby picture from the Hospital has my hands reaching out, open, and ready.  Silly when I see this now who would have known they are so specially...I have to watch it they get tired faster and have moments of inner soreness.  My personality it to go full on or full off.  At an age now it's good to pace oneself, keep moving but never stay in it all day long.  Keep different activity going to work all your body. 

OK enough storytelling, just keeping the heart open is what I'm really trying to practice. 


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