

It Takes Courage, 
8 x 10 Collage on watercolor paper, 
Not sure where this piece is but I do remember it was a day like yesterday that I then took those feelings and emotions to the surface and processed through them. 

Yesterday I had planned on having some quiet time and just being still with myself and possibly doing some reading. Plans....they don't always work and I got hooked into a place I didn't want to go.  Out of respect to the Elder in the home, before I know it I was sidetracked and down a rabbit hole.  

Questioning how did I every get there? My whole attitude left me in an angry spot. 

I did what I had to do and then I exited upstairs to lay down.  Stop! I have to tell myself, while laying down my breath and heart were beating fast. 

I don't want to be short and angry with our Elder but Wow.  

The Husband came home from work and made this way to the bedroom and laid next Gracie and I. I was allow to vent and I do believe I was heard.  Nothing changes but how I see thing in the way to keep my sanity.  

It's amazes me how little small signs pop up for spiritual growth. Here are some inspiring words. 

It is not possible to fix another person, (especially an elder) but with space, you can offer support for that person to grow and process change in a safe environment. Taking space is not just for yourself and for the other; it is also important to invite space into a situation and how you respond.  

Use this opening t be still, and not reactive-save yourself the trouble of passing judgement. (there is what happen....down the rabbit hole I went.) 

Here is the lesson, you will soon find out that you always have a choice: either you continue acting and reacting like you always do, or you can seize this opportunity to try something new and fresh. 

No matter how comfortable and natural old patterns of behavior seem, it is never too late to let go of taking actions that creates the same outcome.  When you give and hold space, there is room for greater truth.  From this objective  state you can allow others that freedom to be who they are, but also be free yourself. An Open playing field is limitless.  

The details are not important at this point but the attitude is with kindness I continue the Eldercare and the creative agenda still moves with a flow.  I show up for myself in the studio.  


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