Good Paths on this Earth-Reflection on North

 Good Paths on this Earth
36 x 36
Collage on Canvas

Allowing the words to rise and fall on the paper and here on the blog has been very freeing. How crazy life has been from way back and not know how to put words that I couldn't spell right together. Then you had to put them in a sentence and form a paragraph, that was a huge and an under developed skill. Now I can't seem to stop it. No fighting just allowing the flow. Over my years I've not rose to the challenges of many things because of this shortcoming, though I seem to like to play teacher and give myself challenges and assignments.  Go figure that one out, I guess this is the way I'm to continue to keep learning.  I can accept that. 

Dedication and commitment are strong on the most part, with that the nudge to teach a class using the Four directions and a form of the Medicine Wheel for Spiritual Growth. When you work on one aspect of the four it's a natural movement to included the rest.  So I've been contemplating the whole experience so far.  Not alone on this walking path, pulling from my own intuitions on this.  When something like this keeps coming up for many years and you finally say yes to it, all I can say is why didn't I do this sooner.  Well no regrets just grateful I said yes to it now in my life at this present time. 

Falling into a mindset of victim and poor me with the new role as Eldercare giver, I have to say my heart is open wider then it ever was and it is preparing for the new stage of being a Baba soon. (bohemian/polish for Grandmother) The biggest gift so far and the linages of the family all around us. 

The purity of life a span of experiences for an individual and all of us as we enter into our Elder ages of the North.  Even if you're not "old" you can still learn so much from the experience of using your Inner Compass of deep understanding and deep love.  The Illusion of life to be this simple easy things we do is such a falsehood portray to us. We don't like it when we have to keep learning and growing, our mindset is one of, "got this, don't have to do any more on the most part."  That would be really sad, as we can see individuals that are stuck in their muck or choosing to not continue to grow in ways that are not materialistic. The purity I'm gathering from all this inner work so far is learning to live life on life terms and Life's terms is a rich field, forest, river side and a moment at the waters edge of rawness.  The rawness of Real, Awesome and Whole. Our Ancestor know this well, we can't know Happiness unless we've experience Sadness.  The Bitter Sweets is what we get to taste through our span on this Earth. 

Ramblings yes from a Spirited Creative Maker.... 

The uncertainty of the last few months have been a living hell. I reminded myself, "it's hell in the hallway," many times and but it is something that we can get throw.  Overwhelmed and burnt out I learned I needed to just stop myself and be still. To be aware of my own body and how I handled things is another gift.   I thought I had to do more and more and more.  The short amount time was GS (Greater Spirits)guidance. I heard it clear as a bell, "Laura, you just need to lay flat, Stop!"  I also hear from my Grandmother Lein, who living in the great north that would be better if I started living life with more softness, roundness of thought instead of the ridge realm I've been in. 

I kept showing up as was taught me by trusting in this concept of the North directions.  I knew this but had to be reminded that change is going to happen, and when it does it could be painful but it could also be just what you need to keep moving in the right direction and doing the next right thing.  The showing up is my part in the practice of trust with this commitment of wisdom, abundance and love. I would like to believe that our Elders before on the most part did the same.  I know looking at how my parents and grandparents experience life and lived it was about trying to do the right things for survival and love of family.  I know this by the stories I hear.  

Following through with the commitment of the North in our midwestern seasonal cycle I wasn't sure about how that would work out.  Honor the process of another culture as best as one can with a true heart is all that one can offer and at this point I'm so grateful I did.  I'm not going to rush this and push for the season to change any faster. (like I have that ability, ha) There is still so much to see in the small changes and signs coming.  Mother Nature has always been guided us.  I witness the small almost all black skunk cross our driveway so very early this morning.  The slight temperature change awakens the the creatures and the hint of finding a mate is a strong purpose in their little lives.  

So there is so much more that I've become aware of that I've not put in to words yet but I surely feel it with my whole heart.  I end with the most important aspect is Gratitude for my family and the experiences we are having.  I've learned to surrender better to the acceptance of the present moment and it truly has helped.  This surrender is teaching me about my own freedom of sanity.  And how important it is to continue to hold strong in what I can do to keep the life I'm personally involved in more serene and peaceful.  No fool here,  new learning experiences are around the corner along with some struggles, but we all know being birthed is no cake walk either, might we have forgotten that pain we had to go through to have a life?  Let's just put it as,  growing isn't for sissy, Right?  

There is still Good Paths to walk about on this Earth, turn to nature not the news.  Stay connected to the real things of good people, family and a way of greater purpose then just with in Self.  Sure working first with self is our responsibility but to stay only in that place is a sad wealth of wisdom.  We are not made to do this solo things all the time. We need it to sort and contemplate but the  mind set of Service for Others and showing up is a purpose all in it self.

This week I'm going to explore a new thing,  making a batch of Black Berry Jam...wish me luck!  


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