Winter White Wisdom, North

White-Meaning of as symbolism in our seasons of life, More to come.....

If we were meeting in person we would, “Enter into Circle.” with an object to place in the center. Share about this object as freely as you would like.

The color white has some interesting meaning for us during the winter season on the calendar and possible for the stages of our life.  White stands for purity, simplicity, truth and non diluted by dishonesty. 

So lets look it this way,




Unadulterated by dishonesty

A sense of certainty and insight seem to reveal itself with White. 

White is clean and the stark opposite to black, though white light contains all the colors of the spectrum, Think of a prism and all that shines through it with the white light of the sun. 


White helps us focus and aids in organization. It's bringing clarity and helps us define borders. Too much white though can be blinding. Isn't that how it goes, too much of a good thing isn't good either. 

We associate the color white with knowledge and learning. And along with the whole spectrum the essence of this color is impartial and refuses to take sides. Learning to be non judgement and more observant can be a great gift if used well. 

White calls for the sense of space and shares with highlights on surrounding colors. Allowing ourselves to share the space might be a wonder to explore in some areas of our lives. 

Now to share another side of color white,  it can make us feel distant and impersonal and cold. It can make us feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. 

Winter Wisdom

Taking our life as it is, with the Four Directions and openness with spiritual creativity we can create space for self and others, through morning journaling, walks, personal spiritual connection through our art, as we learn about our life while we work the Medicine Wheel. 


Inner Compass Circle

Following the Four direction, Four Season, Four Life Stages, Four Colors

Wintertime and the element of the Earth

Earth Prayer

Earth teach me freedom
as the eagle which soars in the sky.
Earth teach me regeneration
as the seed which rises in the spring.
Earth teach me to forget myself
as melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me to remember kindness
as dry fields weep with rain.
 - Ute Prayer

The north is a direction that has us looking into our mental state of being.

It is the way of the Elder, the wisdom of inner knowing and life experiences.


Is it possible to reflect on these statements through journal writing,  meditation or in group discussion? 

I suggest you take a moment or two to think about the color white, winter season, and our elders of our past and some that are still at our side.  I now personally am in eldercare with my MIL and this is perfect time for me to reflect on this all. As she has enter our home to live. 

  • What does Purity mean to you and who do you know in your life experience that displays this essence?
  • Simplicity During this time of Winter Wisdom how can you simplify your life so that you are nurturing your life? 
  • Truth, how important it the integrity of truth to you? Are you practicing that in your life? 
  • Unadulterated by dishonesty- How hard is that to find the untainted, unpolluted, uncontaminated truth around you?  Do you think our Elders have the secrets? 
  •  Have you felt distant, impersonal and cold in your life and where do you feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed?
The beginning of Inner Compass work starts with asking some of these deep contemplative questions and allowing yourself to speak from a place in your heart and soul where our pain and joy live together and are waiting for us to allow the spiritual self expression to grow creatively 


A sense of certainty and insight seem to reveal itself with White. 

Allow the your Inner Compass to hold you steady in the North while you contemplate the white in your life. 


I am of strong East European descent with a connection to the earth and nature. The spiritual work of our inner being is one of the individual persons.  A lifetime of seeking to continue to connect to what is true has led myself on a learning path in great respect for all. There is no claim of being a decent from a Native American tribe. The natural ways of the Medicine Wheel are gentle and all-encompassing for growth of our spiritual self.  I share this because I'm only sharing gifts pass through me from working through my own life's experience and listening and learning from all those that gather in the circle. A student of life is a great grounded place to be as our teacher are everywhere.  Any trail that leads you to look within is always going to lead you through a journey of self-discovery on so many levels.  No one says it going to be easy or without pain, but the reality is we become who we are meant to be as we heal our own wounds for service of others in our life.  

 Keep showing up, you are worth it, words from our Elders~ 



  1. So I will comment, doing the inner work for the benefit of more peace, spirit and creativity and understanding the mother figure has come in to play this week. As the element of Earth which I will be working into shortly come to mind and heart I am also brought to the "Mother's" in my life. Nothing like having the one that was most involved with our family from the early stages of birth and now a great grandmother. I have to admit there is some distorted thinking on my part with the Mothers. Now so fitting to be in Wintertime if follow the season and the direction of the North, I contemplate on the Womb time of life with in Mother Earth. Though our climate is changing and things might now know what is there is still much growth going on underneath down deep in side of everyone of us. I personally would like to be in a more spiritual space of certainty and insight about the white of winter time. As those before us, our elders stayed steady and endured much I do seek their guidance from a far and right here in the present.


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