The Trust Walk

The White upon the White 

Up early as usually, and I'm able to see from the kitchen table out the back of the house to the street light on the main road. The street light is my weather beckon. I watch it to see how windy it is with pine tree moving creating a strobe effect and I can see the rain.  Today I see the snow. I was praying for this winter wonderland to come.  In the Northern IL area we have four season and Winter is upon us now and we were not having the normal winter white.  I missed it terrible.  The blanket of white what will cover everything today is going to be a blessing to see out each window. 

I share with you now an Enneagram daily reading for 4's 

EnneaThought® for the Day

Type Four EnneaThought®

Take time today to “sit.” Know that whenever you need to, you can always return home—feeling your body more fully, feeling the spaciousness and the room inside; feeling the warmth and tenderness of your heart; and experience the quietness and clarity of your mind. You can always return to yourself and always be with what is here.


Quiet mind: As we become more relaxed and aware, we understand that the “normal” way our mind operates is trancelike, unfocused, and chaotic, whereas the quiet mind has qualities of sobriety, clarity, and steadiness. When our mind becomes more still and silent, our intelligence becomes aligned with a greater intelligence that understands our situation objectively and we see exactly what we need to do or not do. Our senses are sharp, colors and sounds are vivid—everything seems eternally fresh and alive. (The Wisdom of the Enneagram, 358)

The quiet mind has qualities of sobriety, clarity, and steadiness.

Might this be a day to rest into the moment of winter white? 



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