Inner Compass, North-Stillness and Small Signs



Inner Compass, Stillness and Small Signs

Imagine a fresh deep snow hanging on every surface ready to fall, the morning sun blessing us with highlights of the Winter white...see the stillness, be the stillness for a short moment. 

Be still and know. To those that learn to be still new learning comes in all ideas, creativity, daydreaming and mental effectiveness. We can find tremendous amount of knowledge in the place of silence. Silence is the absolute poise of balance of body, mind, and spirit.

To be in stillness is not a moment to push forward and force anything. To stop thoughts is not easy, what can you do? Try looking at them with amusement and find the inner peace. Just sit and be. Thoughts might scream louder for attention. If you stay with it, and not give up, sit longer slowly they will turn into background noise, resulting in a serene calm. In this space there is no stress, expectations or judgement. Allow a flow to move through you.

Stay in the present

Block any distraction from coming in, this can be confronting at times. Not easy, don’t give up!

It is crucial for meaningful insight.  

Being still renews our energy to continue to process and progress. Stillness is a lifeline.

After the knowledge of stillness is comfortably understood we might want to be observant, allowing our eyes not to be closed. Looking carefully small signs are everywhere showing us the forward path. Wide-eyed in wonder and curiosity we sit in our stillness. Awakening our sense to the universe which never works against us. We receive signs and signals all the time. Learning to work our intuition and fine tuning our inner compass.  This knowledge is not new it is from experience of our elders and old teaching that keep on teaching with no extras needed. Staying present within your intuition helps us to stay in the pure awareness, untroubled by our fears and future anxieties. 

Working with our stillness, small signs, and the present moment can guide us through our uncertainties and overwhelming moments.  Understanding these principles, we will experience deeper connection and relations to all life around us.

Stay still, stay with in a larger will, stay open for the tiniest messages of your life, allow your inner compass to guide you.

Gratitude practice is a wonderful way to move into the present moment. It is the alchemy that turns problems into blessings. It takes today’s Pain and moves into tomorrow's Joy. 

During Wintertime would you be willing to put into practice a stillness moment of deeper awareness? 

*     Watch a candle flame burn.

*     Lay flat on the floor and allow your body to fully relax and thank every body part and be still and listen.

*     If weather permits find a place next to a tree and lean your back on her and allow yourself to be with the tree and the moment.

*     Begin a small practice of daily meditation, a few minutes at a time.

*     Daydream like a little child.

When you have experienced a few moments of stillness allow things to flow and if possible, witness and share in writing what intuitive small messages that come. 

Inner Compass, North Stillness and Small Signs 


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