Brown Bag to White paper

So this is what I propose to do, Brown Kraft paper or a Brown bag, can be even a lunch bag if that is all you can find or a bag from fast food place.  

Prepare you work station with newspapers or a plastic table covering (dollar store, kind) and use Gesso-artist primer or white paint and cover the bag with the white paint. 

If you apply to thick it will get messy way to fast, so apply in thinner coats.  As you see I have a tool called a spreader or the really name is Bowl spreader. Cardboard scrap or a old gift card can work.  

This will allow you to spread it on after you apply some and move it over the whole surface quicker.  The paint or Gesso will soak in quickly.  

You can see the values in the white gesso I used, makes from some very interesting reactive art making which is the movement of your arm over the area.  I do suggest standing up and getting into it if you can.  Put some music on and allow yourself to move and spread the wet thick liquid. 

If you have any combs or things like that you can add some texture lines too. Creating patterns and interest. Now to create the texture you will have to be quick with what every tool you use because like I said it dries fast. 

 What will we use this for you might ask...I'm not sure yet but having some paper read is always a good start...we will allow the process to unfold. 

Lets make a White Winter Paper Blanket in honor of the color white and the Inner Compass direction of the North.  

Sharing more on this amazing four legged abundance giver that can cut a trail through the thickest white snow swaying their heads back and forth for others to follow.  Their come back is making a huge impact on the areas they encompasses. So many stories about them out there and beautiful photos.  



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