Owl of Transformation

Last year I did some canoeing but hadn't made it back to that joy this year.  I had hope to, though the whole essences of being in a canoe is to be close to the water, nature and gliding on the surface.  That thought is what I carry with me as we move forward in this end of the year.  The Owl symbols in some Native areas is a sign of death or transformation.   Which at this point is really happening. I'm like WOW to make the connection or synchronicity of it all. (missing BIL)  and the full on live in MIL now. There's some Transformation for you.   And the small egg in the nest,  Our second oldest daughter due in April...a little one in the nest/ womb growing.  

Picking images because I'm drawn to them or because I like them or some day would like to try what they represent is how I gather for my vision board...than I let it guide me.  

Return to Earth,
Collage on Wood panel, 
20 x 20 

Will be dropped off today at Mainstreet Art Center in Lake Zurich IL.  I am asking a friend of my mother in law to come sit with her today so that I can travel up north about a hour each way to drop off the art for December.   To ask people for help is a new territory for me as I usually don't ask for help.  With the situation and all I am drawn to bring them together too. As her dear friend lost her only son too about 6 months ago.  The comfort and friendship is always good in a common situation.   I can go only so far with being all things to another then I have to let it go and yes ask for help.  I would truly like to continue creating, teaching and exhibiting my work but it's been a challenge emotionally, spiritually and physically.  When I was teaching Artist Way earlier in the year there was such love, comfort and courage with the group of women that circle each week it really keep me going on the aspects of something larger then myself.  I pray to keep going. 

At this point writing in my morning page journal and now typing things out is bring comfort to my soul as the journey in the eldercare continues...Research on Health care plans this afternoon I guess... for a diabetic, elder and all the drugs she needs to live on.  I'm getting a whooper education for sure.  I pray to for guidance.  



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