Off in a different direction again?

Working through some things lately and staying ground as much as I can. Working in colors of a rich forest.  Intuitively playing around.  Really letting go of the part that needs an end result right away.  Slowing down the process of what will happen next and just being in the moment with the paints, water, paper and some art tools.  

Hard to tell but this little baby is just 3.5 x 3. 5 and I cut it randomly so that I would a surface already for prompting me to create a composition or something.  Next thing I know I'm recording this process and creating a little online class.  
Recently I took a look at the kind of learner I'm...what at 61 year old, I'm still questioning this, I know goofy right. But the question is around the way I work and learn creatively.   Inching in some areas and other areas I not worry about anything just do.   It's in the doing that I truly learn. Crazy as it sound I learn my touch and tactile reference,  I know not everyone does and the feeling parts of me need to keep feeling and doing all the way down to the tip of my fingers.  I was the child that was told not to touch and I just had to in order to understand it better and learn.  Plus putting things in motion is a way to learn on the way of getting to where every your going, Right?  Well the continually questioning of how and staying open to the way is what I dearly hope I can keep doing...its like breath. 




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