Create till You know it

I seem to dabble in and out of the house/home theme, as a wife, mother and artist with a studio in-house I am attached to my home very much so. 

This is going to be part of class at Shake Rag Alley Summer of 2023.  

I did a whole series working in a color study mode and I have to say it was challenging and fun.  Sold all the piece too. 

Creating a Shadow box from a Wood Panel is also exciting as you get to use color if you want and embellish the whole atmosphere of the presentation. 

If one wasn't going to put in a wood panel shadow box then they would have to raise up the edges and place a mat on there and have a deep frame. I've explored this approach for awhile too. 

I remember this one and how fun it was to work with the primary warm and cool colors. The image of the flower was my focus as you can see but my thought was about the primary colors and how I could use them. 

Starting with collage papers and a smaller substrate of watercolor paper. The inside is interesting and so is the outside of these Floating collages. 

Crow of Many Colors 
18 x 18 
Floating collage, Brown Bag Art,  on wood panel that was painted, glossed with textures and then glazed to create some character to the surface. 

At this point I'm allowing the images to speak. Coming upon three decades of creating artwork within the style of collage and the method learned from many book mentors and Jonathon Talbot I've been able to also learn about mastering something.  I've been blessed and fortunate to continue my creative practice for this long and establish an understanding of the paper and what can be done. Most of my work that I create with my hands is on a 2 dimensional substrate.  Watercolor paper, canvas, and wood panels to be exact. Then the wonderful thing happens, you stay open to allow ideas and inspiration to flow through.  In doing that I've questioned many times with, "What if I did this or Do that?" Off I go and try to see what happens. One thing leads to another and you are in the mode of continually learning, making mistakes, taking risks.   Some may not stick it out and keep working with the same subject matter or style.  Might be that it's fun and the curiosity to see where you can go with it takes over and the "what if's."  

Recently I taught a Artist Way Class and for three months or so we met each week on Thursday,  I miss that.  The women so uniquely themselves and so honest and real. Connections all over the place as an facilitator/ educator I was blessed with witness this weekly.  At the end of the time together we did a little project and created small tags with positive words about each person.  I looked at mine the other day and  it had at least four of the same word, "Mastery."   

Now my thoughts turn to Robert Rauschenberg favorite saying I remember reading.  Which by the way he had Dyslexia too.  "Was I work at something till I know or till I'm board."   So in this case it's both the Floating collages have gone in many directions and I would say I know it and at some point I get board with them and switch directions while still working with collage but the approach and style of how it's presented is changed.   Like a little kid that their toys are put away for awhile, when they are pulled out excitement to see old friends or toys that haven't play or created with take over and the boredom sits on the wayside as new inspiration brews up and flows through. 

Plant Seeds Across the United States
12 x 12 Floating collage in Shadow box with Glass. 
on sale in my Art Market on my Website 

Todays Tack Down Tuesday Newsletter-Tuesday Tidbits, Plant Seeds 



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