Looks like the Winds Hit our Yard

When we purchased our home it had 5 maple trees, 1 huge Cottonwood, and 2 apple trees.  The apple trees look very sad and needed our helps.  No way to save them and the Cottonwood was growing right where the corner of the kitchen on the edition would be going up. We could move anything around on the house plans because of the layout and property and lot lines...etc. So we had to cut down the cotton wood too.  We were a growing a family back then and need to make the house bigger too. 

I've heard talk about trimming the trees for some years...no really lots of years and for what every reason it's happened this weekend. Rental of the lift bucket, I'll call it had to be set up and we are grateful it was good weather this weekend.  Though we have clean up today-Saturday and it looks like some major winds came through and caused all the branches to be down. 

This is not quite in the back corner of the property but it's close to my new mushroom beds.  The Tree that the Husband in trimming in this pictures two years ago dropped to major limbs on the house and we were lucky just a bit of gutter bend that was adjusted almost looks new. 

I will be hanging outside today dragging big branches to be stacked up in our extra driveway till the end of the month.  Our Son came over and was the spotter for his Dad, which I'm very grateful for because I had to do some Elder care to the doctors visit and pharmacy.  Then drop my MIL off back at her home.  
I woke up early because of the excitement of the clean up and being outside all day and getting my fire started, I've got plans on burning the dried branches.  
 I'm a natural fire starter by heart...my dad like to burn too.  And it's Fall and the smell of wood burning triggers a cleansing in me. I'll burn some sage and tobacco as we offer prayers for those now dealing with the effects of the whirling winds and rains in Florida.  

Here is a quick video of the branches that needed clean up. 

Two loads have been brought up front and more will be there soon for those that would like it. 

The brush pile is over 10 feet high I would guess or more.  We are stacking them nicely for the Village crew that will come and chip them up in a few weeks.  It has been wonderful weather for this all too. I've been in my glory outside all day long with the fire burning and the cooler weather tending to the property. 


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