Information from all over the place...


Some interesting things inspire us/me/you when we read books that relate to our deeps parts. 

Deep Down Card - Inner Compass cards

Crazy or being open, that is sometimes the question.  When connection is made at a level. 

Might be that I'm enjoying the deep stuff it's a place that I am familiar with instead of the outside world. Creating from the inside out has been a life time of steady focus. 

Reading the book Bitter Sweet triggered awareness too.  
Distraction to Concentration
Discovery to Risk
Life's Contrasts are all over the place, from color to texture, to day and night, big and little, large and small.  

In Cathy Wild's book Chapter two has one looking at that and our process that we work in. I really enjoy the awe moments as of, "Much about creation lies outside of our control. You can't will inspiration, intuition, synchronistic connection or the dawning of sudden insight. "

Concentrating...incubating, solitude, focusing in an idea realm,  exploring, discovering...Then I listen to a Brene Brown podcast from April 6th with Emmanual Acho....Illogical   Now the information that comes my times is kind of wild I know but the bits and piece that stick seem to change my perspective and continually help me grow in new awareness.   

As that say take what you like and or leave the rest... just a messenger.  


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